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Uk Farm Cottages

6 replies

OhWifey · 22/01/2023 14:51

Hello, we usually holiday in the UK. We've been before to a place where the kids could collect eggs from the chickens in the morning and they loved it. They've specifically asked for a cottage on a farm this year. It would be great if they could get more involved with animal feeding etc. Lots of places on Google but it would be nice to have some recommendations. Anywhere in England / Wales except the far west or north of wales is probably doable. Scotland would be too far.
Many thanks

OP posts:
Dontslipontheice · 22/01/2023 15:01

Have you looked here?

Lots of working farms with cottages, we've stayed at several all of which have been lovely. We've also stayed at, and would recommend:

OhWifey · 22/01/2023 15:15

Brilliant, thank you. Yes browsing farm stay somewhat boggled me as there are so many lovely looking options. So I was hoping for people to come along and say where they've stayed, like you have done. Thanks!

OP posts:
Fivemoreminutes1 · 22/01/2023 15:48

I’d definitely recommend Higher Lank Farm in Cornwall.

DobbyTheHouseElk · 22/01/2023 18:30

Bosinver in Cornwall is fantastic. We’ve been 7x. It’s just perfect.

LIZS · 22/01/2023 18:31

DobbyTheHouseElk · 22/01/2023 18:30

Bosinver in Cornwall is fantastic. We’ve been 7x. It’s just perfect.

Second this

DobbyTheHouseElk · 22/01/2023 18:32

Edit : Bosinver isn’t an actual farm, but plenty of people think it is. Animal feeding, pony rides, swimming pool, zip wire, acres of fields to roam in. Gym, play areas.

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