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New forest with 3 & 6 year old

14 replies

Yamaya · 07/07/2022 12:40

Any recommendations? We are going to Paultons park. 3 year old is autistic and not always happy with stuff indoors (unless it's soft play)
Going in August so hopefully lots to do outside.

OP posts:
Homegettinginvaded · 07/07/2022 12:48

Paul tons park is actually so much better than I imagined . There is a lot of quiet,beautifully landscaped space away from the rides etc ! Peppa pig part was actually ok as well 😂
Take a drive into the New Forest ….it is stunning with ponies ,donkeys ,pigs,sheep all just roaming around. It really is amazing.

Minoloso · 07/07/2022 12:51

Moors Park in Ringwood/Ashley Heath is fab. A huge play park, good cafe & Forest walks.

mumto2teenagers · 07/07/2022 12:53

Are you looking to stay in the new forest. Sandy Balls is lovely.

ladyvimes · 07/07/2022 12:54

Moors valley Country Park, Avon Heath country park, New forest wildlife park is lovely with lots to do. There’s loads around!

Mozartinmyfanjo · 07/07/2022 12:56

At that age my DC really enjoyed: Beaulieu museum - you can take a train running high above the ground and double decker bus around. Lots of open spaces to run around and have a picnic.
New Forest Wildlife Park - playground with a zip wire was a particular hit, as well as meerkats.
There are lovely bike routes around, you can rent out bikes with tag a long or a trailer and enjoy surrounding. Plenty of places to stop and paddle in shallow rivers, have a rest, see wild ponies.
Lyndhurst is nice to visit with a big park and playground, and you have Alice in Wonderland connection as well.

Yodaisawally · 07/07/2022 12:57

Its very much a walking / bike riding / horse riding kind of place.

We went to splashdown water park in Poole but it's inside and probably a bit too much for the 3yo
Mudeford and Milton on Sea are nice for beaches
Lymington is nice for a walk around and crabbing

My kids are horse mad so we did a lot of walking around looking at horses and a couple of hacks.

Be prepared for the traffic, it is horrendous in August.

CorneliaStreet · 07/07/2022 12:59

There's loads of outdoors stuff you can do. There are some lovely streams for the kids to paddle in - lots of people go to 'Brockenhurst beach' near the Balmer Lawn hotel, but that's next to the main road so it's much nicer to go out into the forest on the other side of Brockenhurst at Puttles Bridge as there is a lovely shallow stream there in the forest near the car park. You sometimes have to share it with the ponies though!

You can hire bikes at various places - there are loads of easy, flat tracks on the forest. There are also riding stables at Brockenhurst and elsewhere if the older one fancies that. They have Shetlands for the little ones. They take them out for a hack on the forest and the rest of you can walk alongside.

Beaulieu is a really pretty village and they might enjoy Beaulieu house and the motor museum - they've got a new kids play area there and there's a monorail. Lots of donkeys, ponies and cows wandering around the village. Exbury Gardens near Beaulieu are also pretty and they have a steam train that the kids love. You could also try Bucklers Hard, where you can go on a boat trip on the Beaulieu river.

Depending on where you are staying in the forest, the beaches are in easy reach. The sandy beach at Mudeford spit is beautiful (get the ferry across from Mudeford Quay - you have to get there early for parking as it gets really busy) or there are shingle beaches at Milford/Barton and Lepe.

If you want shops/cafes/pubs etc, Lymington is a lovely town. Market day is Saturday so you have to get there early for parking that day.

CorneliaStreet · 07/07/2022 13:00

Forgot to say - Longdown Farm and New Forest Wildlife Park (right next to each other) are both perfect for kids of that age.

APurpleSquirrel · 07/07/2022 13:04

As well as Paulton's Park, there is Beaulieu Motor Museum, Buckler's Hard village, lots of car parks in the New Forest itself to stop & walk. From Hythe you can get a ferry across to Southampton (or you used to be able to!). Lots of villages in the New Forest are lovely (Lyndhurst, Lymington, Burley).
Southampton is a nice city - there is a museum & the old walls to walk.
Winchester is close with the Science Centre, historic centre, cathedral & Arthurs Table.
Marwell zoo isn't far either.
Further out there is the Milestones Museum in Basingstoke, the docks, aquarium & Mary Rose in Portsmouth.
You could get a ferry or hydrofoil over to the Isle of Wight, or head along the coast to the Dorset beaches.

Yamaya · 07/07/2022 13:06

Great suggestions thanks everyone. I will have a proper look through at a later date. We are staying Milford on Sea.

OP posts:
QuebecBagnet · 07/07/2022 13:09

You’re close enough to the Isle of Wight for a day trip. When dd was a similar age and we were in the new forest we took her to marwell zoo for a day and also the historic docks at Portsmouth.

whoisbruno · 07/07/2022 13:26

There is a great boat ride from Lymington Quay - A pirate ship for kids or normal boat if you don't fancy that. Also crabbing at the quay is great for kids!

Willdoitlater · 07/07/2022 13:37

Hurst castle. I remember going there by boat years ago. Bovington tank museum (although that is further to drive).

GOODCAT · 07/07/2022 13:38

We live there and when my sister's kids were that age and came to visit, they liked Moors Valley and Mudeford. We did the ferry from Mudeford to Hengistbury Head, then the little noddy land train and did some mini kite flying on Hengistbury Head. They also liked eating cockles at Mudeford and were fascinated by the families who were crabbing.

The forest itself is great for seeing donkeys and ponies, but they didn't seem overly interested! They did enjoy ice cream from the ice cream vans though!

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