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Bath with kids

14 replies

theyresexpeoplelynn · 21/01/2022 11:24

We have 4 days in Bath, 2 adults and 2 kids aged 3.5 and 7. What activities would you recommend besides the Roman baths? Is there anywhere good for swimming with an indoor pool?

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theyresexpeoplelynn · 21/01/2022 11:25

Feb half term, sorry should have said!

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itwasntaparty · 21/01/2022 11:27

Kids aren't allowed in the spa. It's horrendously busy in holidays. I wouldn't do it with small kids.

theyresexpeoplelynn · 21/01/2022 12:10

I'm talking about the Roman baths, not the new spa. Children are allowed in the Roman baths. Children under 16 are not allowed in the new spa. Any suggestions for other activities in Bath please?

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fofo4 · 21/01/2022 12:18

We went with kids of a similar age a few years ago and had a great time. The Roman Baths was good. There is a big park near the Royal Crescent which we enjoyed. There are some museums and galleries. Wandering around the old town. Nice cafes and restaurants. Have a great time.

theyresexpeoplelynn · 21/01/2022 15:36

Thank you fofo that's good to know!

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Madcats · 21/01/2022 16:55

We live in Bath. Half term for us tends to start the weekend of 19 February (I know some areas are the week before).

The swimming pool has a slide and a children's shallow area as well as a pool for swimming in
It is on North Parade, next to the Rugby Club.
There is also tenpin bowling (they have guide rails(?) for little ones), an unremarkable soft play and a trampoline park.

Not too far away from that is the Kennet and Avon canal, which is worth a look if they haven't seen a canal before. There is a flight of locks that runs up from the River Avon by the station as far as Bathwick Hill (there a re a couple of cafes here). The walk up from the river to Sydney Gardens is quite pleasant (there ought to be some ducks, and probably some swans). If the children haven't seen trains, take them to the bridges across the railway in Sydney Gardens (the drivers certainly used to wave at us).

Have a look at the Egg Theatre to see what is on - the cafe there is worth a visit (if only to use their loos and have a drink).

The playground in Royal Victoria Park is always a hit. There is a small scooter/skateboard bowl(?) next to it. My daughter also liked heading up to the Dell (a landscaped wooded area. it is bound to be a bit muddy (but there is a walkway around part and there ought to be some snowdrops out by mid Feb).

Talipesmum · 21/01/2022 16:59

Kind of following, as I’ve been wondering the same thing. With 4 days you could head over to Bristol for one day? There’s loads to do there.

Madcats · 21/01/2022 17:38


Kind of following, as I’ve been wondering the same thing. With 4 days you could head over to Bristol for one day? There’s loads to do there.

What age kids?

My suggestions were rather based on the whims of a pre-schooler!.

If you head to Bristol, consider visiting the SS Great Britain (about 10-1-5 minutes walk from Bristol Temple Meads), or catching the bus up to Clifton Zoo and the suspension bridge.
LiliansView · 21/01/2022 18:36

The Bath skyline walk is beautiful but a lot for the little one. You could perhaps do a part of it ? Have a great trip.

Talipesmum · 21/01/2022 20:33

@Madcats thank you for asking! We’ve got two boys age 13 and 11. Would be really good to get any ideas! We’d be mainly wanting to look round the Roman baths (and I thought it would be nice in the summer when you can do an evening visit - I remember doing that when I was younger).
I’m sure we would visit some of the regency architecture/ costume museum, but I think there’s only so far I can push the regency / georgette heyer / Austen angle with them! They’d be v up for good food and cafes and afternoon tea stuff (they like food!). And we can do walks etc.

We have relations in Bristol so would be ok for ideas there (personally I quite like the idea of dumping them on Bristol rellies for the morning and going to the spa with my H - it’s the only spa I’ve ever really enjoyed!)

MrsMoastyToasty · 21/01/2022 20:52

I would head over to Bristol. There's We the Curious (a hands on science place), SS Great Britain, loads of Banksy graffiti, M Shed museum The Underfall Yard .
There a ferry that runs all the way from the back of Temple Meads Station all the way to the Cumberland Basin. You can buy a hop on hop off ticket.

Madcats · 21/01/2022 21:24

If you are here in the summer (well it sometimes gets warm and sunny), why not head to Bathwick Boating station and hire a Victorian skiff or a punt? (Or Maybe Paddleboarding from central Bath/Saltford/Batheaston).

Nearby Cleveland Pools MIGHT be restored and open for swimming by then.

Despite the hills, there are some good cuddle routes and you can hire bikes (electric or mountain). There are a couple of pubs close to the Two Tunnels cycle path.

The Frankenstein Museum could be of interest if you are feeling brave.

I assume that it is still running, but the Bizarre Bath comedy walk is a lighthearted way to spend an evening (you might get teased!).

theyresexpeoplelynn · 21/01/2022 22:48

Thanks everyone for the ideas, all good stuff so cheers Smile

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HereComesYourMam · 23/01/2022 09:19

The playground in Victoria Park already mentioned is brilliant for kids of all ages - it's huge so there's loads of different stuff there, and a cafe too. Alexandra Park is also lovely - it has a much smaller playground but the walk up is nice (steep!) and the views over Bath are probably the best in town. There's sometimes a van up there selling coffee and choux buns - very Bath!

Definitely see if there's anything on at The Egg children's theatre. We also have the lovely Tivoli cinema, which is one of those posh comfy ones where you can order food/drink to be brought in to you.

A small but always popular attraction for little kids is the maze by the river, by Pulteney Bridge. Boat trips go from here too.

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