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London trip - possibly on my own, possibly with friend - tell me where to stay

38 replies

rookiemere · 08/10/2021 08:58

So I have a weekend booked in November to meet up with my cousin, possibly do a trip abroad on the Eurostar and/or go to some plays and exhibitions.

But I'm struggling to find the right place to stay.The popular Premier Inns that people recommend are booked out - County Hall - or very expensive and I've never stayed at a PI hub before so I'm a little unsure about them.
I've provisionally booked London Bank Tower PI as I stayed there with work and liked it but friend thinks it's a bit out of the way.
I've started looking at ibis and travellodge as they seem to have more in a better location. But what is a good location- I'm thinking safe, central and close to a good tube line? Is Shoreditch a good place to stay?
Any advice appreciated.

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Standrewsschool · 08/10/2021 09:03

Tavistock hotel near Russell Square is central and reasonably priced.

Consider Youth hostels - well located and not shabby back-packers-only places now.

ThePlantsitter · 08/10/2021 09:09

If friend thinks bank /tower bridge is out of the way, Shoreditch is much further out! But maybe more happening there in the evening?

What about travelodges? Unsure of your dates but covent garden one has availability for November.

rookiemere · 08/10/2021 09:15

Tavistock hotel booked out, but thanks for the recommendation. I'll have a look at youth hostels, but not sure I'll get my friend in one !
@ThePlantsitter do you think Bank/Tower hill is an ok location then, I did like the way the hotel was tucked away although it was a bit of a walk to the nearest tube.
Not against staying in a Travel Lodge- need to check if my friend would though Grin. She's lovely but a bit of a hotel snob on a budget and has too much going on to help me look atm. I also half suspect she may end up not coming- which I'm absolutely fine with, but why a safe location is even more important.

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LakeShoreD · 08/10/2021 09:15

Depends what you want and are planning on doing… Bank will be quiet at the weekend but it has fantastic transport links so it’s a good place to base yourself. Shoreditch is even further out without all the transport options at Bank so will take a while to get just about anywhere. Great for a night out though.

todaysdilemma · 08/10/2021 09:18

An Airbnb could be a good option. Some love my flats in central locations. If you want to be walking distance from theatres, tourism then Bloomsbury, Holborn, Waterloo, Hyde Park, Green Park, Southbank, St Paul's/Bank, London Bridge are good options. If Waterloo is too expensive, have a look at Southwark. Right next to it with quite a few hotels. If you want somewhere closer to the trendy restaurants/bars/nightlife then Angel or Shoreditch are great. Tower Bridge is a little dead and not as well connected, you're better off being in London Bridge as you're by the Southbank and places like Borough Market too.

And if you want

rookiemere · 08/10/2021 09:19

This has been super helpful already as I can scrap Shoreditch off the list. I quite like staying in a quiet area and I'm happy to scoot round on the tube , although thinking about it friend is maybe less comfortable on the tube.

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ElizabethTudor · 08/10/2021 09:19

I’m with @ThePlantsitter.
Why does your friend think the London Bank Tower PI is a bit out of the way?! That’s a great location. Far better than Shoreditch. You’re minutes walk from Bank tube, can cross over London Bridge, or Tower Bridge. Are right by the Tower of London. So there’s loads to do by there, and it’s easy to get to other places from.

LakeShoreD · 08/10/2021 09:20

it was a bit of a walk to the nearest tube
I work near there, it’s got to be 2-3 minutes walk from that hotel to Monument tube, and from there you have the District/Circle from Monument and from the Bank side of the station you have Northern, Central, DLR, Waterloo & City.

todaysdilemma · 08/10/2021 09:20

Since you're only here for a weekend and won't be in your hotel or Airbnb very much at all, focus on location and distance to station. You don't want to waste precious time just on commuting time.

wheresmyshoe · 08/10/2021 09:20

I like Holiday Inn Bloomsbury, it's usually well priced and great access to everywhere.

rookiemere · 08/10/2021 09:22

So I've not talked to friend it was just a whatsapp message. Sounds like general consensus is to stick not twist. Don't fancy an Airbnb as we always do sc for family holidays so a hotel is a bit of a treat.

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rookiemere · 08/10/2021 09:27

Thanks @LakeShoreD it didn't mention in the hotel blurb how close Monument station is, so that's really helpful.

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LakeShoreD · 08/10/2021 09:34

Did the Shoreditch suggestion come from your friend? Maybe she has visions of strolling out of the hotel straight into a cocktail bar or something? Maybe check to see if you’re on the same page but if it’s just about a comfortable bed close to transport links then you cant wrong with what you’ve booked. And since you’ve mentioned plays/exhibitions definitely check out what’s on at the Barbican since it’s near-ish that hotel.

urbanbuddha · 08/10/2021 09:35

You could try the Jesmond Hotel in Bloomsbury.

rookiemere · 08/10/2021 09:46

@LakeShoreD no Shoreditch was me as I saw a nice Ibis there which was well priced, but based on what you and others have said,it's not a good location for us.

I've checked the other suggestions provided and no suitable rooms for the date.
I suspect the remark was a throwaway one without knowing availability and cost of say hotels near Covent Garden.

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rookiemere · 10/10/2021 18:30

So update if anyone interested. Spoke to friend and it turns out she thought the Fleet Street PI would be more central for the sights, and it turns out that it does seem to be, and not much pricier than the Bank one.

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HundredMilesAnHour · 10/10/2021 18:43

I live in London and I find some of the advice on here a bit bizarre. There's much more going on at the weekend near the Bank/Tower PI than the Fleet St one. But there are within walking distance of each other so you really are quibbling over not much. Same as the people saying that Shoreditch is "too far out"...from what? Heathrow?!! And Shoreditch has no transport apparently. Well, except Liverpool St station with train lines and 4 tube lines, plus the overground at Shoreditch High St plus a million buses and pretty cheap Ubers because it's in zone 1. Yes, Zone 1...despite it apparently being "far out".

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 10/10/2021 18:58

Fleet Street seems an odd choice. I think either Bank or Shoreditch would be much better, personally.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 10/10/2021 18:59

We usually stay in the Travelodge at Kings Cross. Very basic but a great location. Loads of nice restaurants and bars nearby, or an easy tube into Picadilly etc.

WhatsitWiggle · 10/10/2021 19:05

Royal National is same chain as Tavistock and is open, it's a beast of a hotel - 1600 rooms - but if you're after reasonably priced next to Russell Square then it's fine. If you can afford to uograde to their City Sleeper rooms then it's even better, upgraded in 2018/2019 and in a separate wing so a bit quieter.

ReviewingTheSituation · 10/10/2021 19:08

If you're happy sharing a double (or having a room each), look at Z hotels. Much nicer than PI (nothing against PI, I happily use them a lot, but would always choose a Z Hotel over a PI). Just read the room descriptions carefully- some are tiny with no windows, but they make it very clear on their website. I've stayed at the Fleet St, Old St, Soho and Gloucester Place ones. All are great. Locations of all of them have their merits - all depends on your itinerary.

babbi · 10/10/2021 19:14

I love staying out in Kensington .
Easy to travel / walk to Covent Garden etc .
( I will walk for miles though)
Tube takes you anywhere

Divebar2021 · 10/10/2021 19:18

I work in London but stay up in town occasionally when I’m planning a late night. The Park Plazas are all good that I’ve tried ( north Lambeth just over the river.) Southwark is good for Borough Market and the Southbank. In June I stayed in The Holiday Inn at High Street Kensington and paid something like £80. I’m going back in early December and have a King size room for £68. I don’t have the ridiculously expensive breakfast but go to The Ivy on HSK instead. I’ve also stayed in “ApartHotels” which have a little kitchenette with the room. There is one just south of Trafalgar square which is walkable to Covent Garden etc. I live south so like easy access to Waterloo or Victoria when I’m staggering home hungover.


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Divebar2021 · 10/10/2021 19:21

The ApartHotels are called Citadines.

overthethamesfromyou · 10/10/2021 19:46

Another good and well connected Premier Inn is the Tate Modern one, close to The Cut for restaurants, south bank, Tate etc. Much more around it than the Fleet Street Blackfriars one

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