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Lake District recommendations

10 replies

ChocolateEmergency · 08/02/2020 20:31

My DH is turning 40 in May and has always wanted to go to the lakes. So I’ve decided to take him as a surprise.

We live in London and will be travelling with a toddler, whilst I am 36weeks pregnant.

So, does anyone have any tips on location which will suit us best, areas which have some pretty easy going walks with a local pub suitable for children?

OP posts:
Howtosupportmyfriend · 08/02/2020 20:36

Keswick is my favourite! It’s beautiful! You can do a lovely walk around the lakeside, lots of shops in town, tons of pubs.
I also love Hawkeshead, Coniston and Ambleside....oh andPooley Bridge.. basically I live the lakes.

BrandoraPaithwaite · 08/02/2020 20:56

It all lovely. Windermere and Bowness are v touristy but not in a horrible way.

Hats off to you, I wouldn't be travelling that distance at 36wks and with a toddler.

OhTheTastyNuts · 08/02/2020 21:03

We love Waterfoot Park near Pooley Bridge. It's got cottages, pods or lodges to hire. There is a little playground for the toddler. There's a bar in the Mansion House, with a lovely garden outside.
It's a short walk to Pooley Bridge for paddling in the lake, a ride on the Ulswater Steamers, ice cream and some child friendly pubs.

seltaeb · 08/02/2020 21:08

Ambleside is a nice central village with lots of eating places and some short local walks ( with buses as well to get back). Parking can be difficult so try and book somewhere with a space. Waterhead hotel sometimes has deals and is good.

HerculesMulligan · 08/02/2020 21:58

Don't go far beyond the South Lakes. Medical care in west Cumbria is, frankly, shit.

Triglesoffy · 08/02/2020 22:03

What is the best way to travel there? Are the roads as busy as the ones in Cornwall?

San141 · 08/02/2020 22:09

Penrith maternity unit is lovely, I had 3 of my children there. It's only a 10 minute drive from pooley bridge.

ChocolateEmergency · 09/02/2020 04:06

Thanks for the suggestions, I will get googling.

I’m not sure it had really dawned on me until writing this post exactly how pregnant I’d be! You’ve scared me a bit I have to say. The plan would probably be to drive up late at night or early hours of the morning so that dd sleeps most of the way.

OP posts:
PumpkinPie2016 · 09/02/2020 09:14

We stay with Matson Ground when we go - they have properties in Bowness-on-Windermere. The properties are located just out of the centre so provide a nice, quiet location but close to attractions/ammenities. We have stayed many times and they are excellent. There is an orchard garden and garden space for your little one to play.

Bowness, Windermere, Ambleside and Keswick are all lovely. Grizedale forest is a bit further but they do a small, 1 mile trail for small children -we took ds when he was a similar age to your daughter and he loved it.

Lakes aquarium and steam train at Lakeside is nice for kids (and not much walking required for you!).

The Sun inn at Crook is highly recommended -lovely landlady, nice food and child friendly (box of toys/colouring things available and they have a fish tank!).

Grasmere is nice -park and walk the short distance along the river to the village. Nice park there too. The travellers rest just up the road is another really nice place for food.

Kendal is a nice town centre.

The only thing I would say is that if you are staying near Bowness etc. the nearest hospital is Kendal which is quite small.

Funf · 11/02/2020 20:20

Another vote for Keswick but consider some of the lesser towns that are often missed, most people make a beeline for Ambleside etc which is nice but many places are better.
Here is a nice ride out the can be as quick or as slow as you want

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