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Best luxury UK holiday with small children

33 replies

bluenoir · 21/01/2020 21:19

Can anyone recommend a lovely place to stay for a week in the UK with two small children and a dog?

Planning our summer holiday break Center Parcs is an option but for £2k plus costs I feel we could do something a bit different.

OP posts:
RandomUsernameHere · 21/01/2020 21:28

Try the hotel chain Luxury Family Hotels. We have been to New Park Manor twice and really enjoyed it.

katee90 · 21/01/2020 21:32

Bluestone? A bit more reasonably priced than Center Parcs from what I've heard

katee90 · 21/01/2020 21:32

Bluestone? A bit more reasonably priced than Center Parcs from what I've heard

bluenoir · 21/01/2020 21:34

Definitely not Bluestone, I hated it!

OP posts:
Pickledonion74 · 21/01/2020 21:36

Definitely look at the Luxury Family Hotels group - Moonfleet Manor and The Ickworth are both lovely

TheABC · 21/01/2020 21:40

Take a look at Forest holidays, Classic Cottages and the upper end of AirBnB. It's amazing what you can rent.

Littletabbyocelot · 21/01/2020 21:43

I'd look at one of the farms that do self catering lets plus activities. We had the most amazing holiday last year & are going again this year. I can't name the place as it's fully booked but it was less than half the price of centre Parcs.

Funf · 22/01/2020 05:51

Thats expensive you could go abroad for that? As suggested one of the Luxury parks, cottage etc

katee90 · 22/01/2020 08:38

@bluenoir oh no! Are you able to tell me why?

AllTheCakes · 22/01/2020 08:57

Have some friends that swear by this place. They offer a baby sitting service!

bluenoir · 22/01/2020 10:24

I don't want to go abroad as I want to bring the dog and next year I'll have enough air miles to not be in economy!

OP posts:
bluenoir · 22/01/2020 10:29

@katee90 I found Bluestone like a poorly arranged Center Parcs, far too much traffic on the roads and cars parked up to allow children to cycle. The restaurants were crap as was the shop.

It's a shame as the actual lodge we had was lovely, brand new and very spacious.

OP posts:
Funf · 22/01/2020 10:51

We are lucky the breeder has the dog back when we go on holiday.

mamma001 · 22/01/2020 13:03

How about looking on airbnb or homeaway etc for a nice holiday home in Devon, Cornwall, Pemrokeshire, Gower Peninsula etc and research local amenities, attractions and restaurants to suit?

FanSpamTastic · 22/01/2020 13:14

Have stayed here and understand they are dog friendly the Park.

Chilver · 22/01/2020 13:18

We have just booked (last night) a break away at one of the Luxury Family Hotels for half term. Taking DC and dog and its looks great. Also looked at Bedruthan but chose LFH instead as the childcare provisions looked better! And has a spa for me..... I hope it lives up to my expectations!

HairyToity · 23/01/2020 22:20

Landal - I have seen recommended. I've always fancied Forest Holidays, not yet booked though.

A friend likes Another Place in the Lake District. It looks lovely on website.

We have enjoyed holidays at Cwmiar Farm Cottages and Torridge House Cottages if you fancy animal feeding. Can't remember if dogs were allowed. My SIL like Croft House Cottages (Pembrokeshire I think).

Lots of options.

Ancientruin · 03/02/2020 12:34

Absolutely not Bedruthan now!!

It has changed beyond recognition.

Many of us have emailed David Rotheram (the Guest Experience Manager) for clarification as to why he felt the dire changes were made....I have a very long but waffly nonsense response.

His responses to feedback are also on on Tripadvisor (sort of)

It’s lost its magic formula. Not thought through at all.

Funf · 03/02/2020 20:04

We have taken ours own Cruises since they where 3 and 5, luxury but fun for the kids with plenty for them to do

AnotherEmma · 03/02/2020 20:09

We have stayed at one of the Luxury Family Hotels but we decided that we would have preferred a luxury lodge/apartment. When you just have a hotel room you have to creep around when the kids are asleep and you can't easily do breakfast/snacks. I much prefer self catering with a kitchenette and separate living space.

Which part of the country are you in? We stayed at a wonderful place in Suffolk but might not be the right location for you?

HildaSnibbs · 03/02/2020 20:17

Watergate Bay hotel in Cornwall, absolutely love it. Haven't been there for a few years though as it's impossible to get a booking in school holidays! So only if you have pre school age kids...

HildaSnibbs · 03/02/2020 20:19

Ancientruin what's gone wrong at the Bedruthan?! Been there also and really enjoyed it, I was thinking of booking agin for this year but now I'm wondering...?

Undies1990 · 03/02/2020 20:27

Forest Holidays. Absolutely the best UK holiday we've been on with our kids. Hot tub was my fave part! Ranger talks, walks, peace and quiet, wildlife everywhere, absolute bliss. You can even order a pizza and have it delivered to your door!


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Ancientruin · 03/02/2020 21:33

Apparently the outdoor wooden play area has gone, the food is very hit & miss, the softplay is now chargeable, the ‘villa’ rooms which were the only ones we could use due to mobility issues have now gone.

The main lounge where the children’s evening entertainment used to be is now an adult-only zone and children are sent to an upstairs room with no windows.

The positive Tripadvisor reviews seemingly if you read closely are left by people withOUT children.

okiedokieme · 03/02/2020 21:40

The Hilton at columbridge is nice, takes dogs, though not sure which rooms allow them. Bovey castle is amazing but not sure of budget

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