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Places to stay in Blackpool

32 replies

Cab121009 · 05/01/2020 20:39

We have had to cancel our holiday to Tenerife and are now staying in UK. Have decided Blackpool as has plenty to do for kids. Looking at hotels and theyr seems to be so many. I dont know what to go for, anyone have any recommendations were not fussy as long as clean, good location and a decent breakfast. Tia

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DartmoorChef · 05/01/2020 20:48

Honestly. I would pick somewhere else.

Blackpool is seedy, grubby and generally run down.

I was born and grew up there and occasionally go back. It's ok if it's a very nice hot sunny day but one day is enough. Do you have any other options? Devon? Centre parks?

Burlea · 05/01/2020 20:49

Do you want cheap and cheerful, such as bed and breakfast. Or do you want a hotel with entertainment.
Go on TripAdvisor or when will you be traveling. How old are your children.
Search the areas, do you need to be by the town or the pleasure beach. Or do you want to stay on the outskirts.
Will you be traveling by car or train. So make sure you can park for free at your hotel.

Etihad · 05/01/2020 20:56

We always stay in a Premier Inn (the one at Bispham is lovely) breakfast is great if you eat meat (we don’t, and after last week I still can’t face another mushroom!!)

But for several nights you would probably want something more like a proper hotel? Towards the north end e.g. Bispham is quieter and cleaner, it’s easy to get the tram into town and the tickets also include buses so you can go on trips to the zoo etc without needing to move car.

Avoid Norbreck Castle Hotel, I happened to spend a while this morning reading trip advisor reviews - it looks horrific!

poppet31 · 05/01/2020 21:02

I would recommend Ribby Hall holiday village. 15-20 mins away from Blackpool so you can go there for the day but lots to do on site and the setting is beautiful.

thenightsky · 05/01/2020 21:10

Just read the Norbreck Castle reviews... wow! Alex the barman and his big cock! Shock

Festivefrolicsnextyear · 05/01/2020 21:13

Blackpool is shit but the DCs will love it.

Carolwithane · 05/01/2020 21:13

I'd definitely rethink Blackpool it's not pleasant especially after dark. We stayed at Ribby Hall last year and went into Blackpool for the day. The zoo is excellent but Blackpool it's self I'd definitely avoid

Canadianpancake · 05/01/2020 21:16

I agree Ribby Hall is a great shot. Lots to do on site, close enough to Blackpool for the attractions but far enough away to be nice.

kazza446 · 05/01/2020 21:17

De vere Blackpool is ok! Has a pool and pleasant surroundings. I would suggest Ribby Hall also. I too, lived In Blackpool for 6 years and wouldn’t really recommend it for a holiday. It’s a little rough around the edges!!

Canadianpancake · 05/01/2020 21:18

There is lots to do in Blackpool, the attractions are good, the tower, circus, dungeons, pleasure beach, and sandcastle all great days out.

itcamefrombeckyvardysaccount · 05/01/2020 21:24

I e stayed in the big blue and the premier inn (beach) with DH and DD 6.

The big blue is lovely but expensive. The premier inn is cheaper and has a soft play in the pub attached.

I'd stay in the premier inn again but everytime we try and book it's booked out.

Plus if you are driving, Liverpool isn't too far away or the Lake District for a day out.

Cab121009 · 05/01/2020 21:49

Thank you everyone. Yeah i imagined it would be a little rough, just thinking of what there is 2 do and think the kids would love it and its only a few hours drive for us. We have kind of worn out the haven (caravan type hols) so this is something a little diffrent for the kids. Have looked at the Ribby hall will check it out again as would prob be nice to be away from it all and have the option to go in. Thanks 😊

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Cab121009 · 05/01/2020 21:50

Oh i also read the norbrek hotel reviews 😕 am a trip advisor fanatic but it never helps me reach a decison 😂

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scousadelic · 05/01/2020 21:54

The Pleasure Beach (large funfair/theme park place) has the Big Blue Hotel, which is very popular with families, and has just opened an new one called the Boulevard
There's also a new Hampton by Hilton near there
I would stick to the newer hotels rather than the older ones

Meltedicicle · 05/01/2020 21:54

We stayed in the big blue hotel and loved it. Rooms had giant snakes and ladders on the wall for the kids and TVs at the end of their bunks so nice as a treat. Kids don’t really care or notice about the ‘toughness’ of Blackpool. Well mine don’t anyway!

Meltedicicle · 05/01/2020 21:55


zoobincan · 05/01/2020 21:56

There is a lot to do but it's a shithole of a money pit!

Haven for a caravan? Otherwise premier inn, at least you know what you are getting.

I wouldn't stay in any of the seafront independent hotels, they are usually fully of stag/hen weekends or coach parties and have loud entertainment on when your kids are trying to sleep at night.

Cab121009 · 05/01/2020 21:56

Were not exactly posh ourselfs so am sure we will be fine 😂😂 thanks for all reveiws big blue also sounds good

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Cab121009 · 05/01/2020 22:28

Thanks for all advice think we will go for premier inn at bisamp and will hope for a good holiday 😊👍

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kazza446 · 05/01/2020 22:38

The bispham premier inn is quite far out. You will need to get buses to most attractions if you’re not driving x

Funf · 06/01/2020 08:45

Personally I would go to North Wales and do a day trip to Blackpool as its not what it was.
Ribby hall is good but only really Blackpool nearby.
It depends what you need to keep the kids entertained?

Ithinkwerealonenowtiffany · 07/01/2020 12:50

If you must, well the Big Blue Hotel.

But do try somewhere else. Blackpool is one solid lump of shit. Never again.

Caramel78 · 07/01/2020 12:54

Stayed in The Big Blue Hotel a few times and it’s really nice. It’s literally 2 minutes from the Pleasure Beach theme park and you can see the rollercoaster go past your window. Rooms are really comfortable and there’s a good restaurant and room service


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hartof · 07/01/2020 13:04

If you're going when it could be warm, there's a Village hotel right near Blackpool Zoo and Stanley Park (has activites going on, boating lake etc) and it has an outdoor pool. Ribby hall is nice, Newton Hall caravan Park is nice if you don't mind a caravan. Or lodges in Hambleton are lovely.

Cab121009 · 07/01/2020 15:04

Does anyone actually like Blackpool 😂😂

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