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Family-friendly hotels on Dorset coast that actually accept children

16 replies

OneMoreForExtra · 01/09/2019 12:56

DH loves the Dorset coast and I'd like to take him for a birthday WE in October. Wind's gone out of my sails rather after finding all the hotels in Lulworth Cove refuse to accept children under a certain age, despite being billed family-friendly. DC are 3 and 8 so I cant really smuggle them past a 7 or 10 year old age bar. Rather than trawl through every hotel website along the coast, please can i have your recommendations? Needs to be within walking distance of coast/village centre and ideally a bit homey and warm since it's an autumn treat. Thanks!

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1Wildheartsease · 01/09/2019 13:01

Swanage is good for children - and not far from Lulworth. I don't know the hotels but the place is usually full of children so it seems likely there is accommodation.

LIZS · 01/09/2019 13:01

Think there is an hf holidays run place along that part of the coast.

OneMoreForExtra · 01/09/2019 13:04

Googling Swanage hotels

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OneMoreForExtra · 01/09/2019 13:04

HF holidays? Googling that too...

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OneMoreForExtra · 01/09/2019 13:07

Hadn't heard of HF hols, so thanks for that. They look fantastic if it was just me and DH (pondering whether I can park DC with PIL and just book for us - probably not)

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FiveGoMadInDorset · 01/09/2019 13:07

Don’t do the HF holiday one they only cater for their own walking clients.

The Castle Inn in West Lulworth takes children, it was taken over and refurbished last year and is just the other end of the village with free parking as well. Knoll House Hotel in Studland May be worth looking at.

BikeRunSki · 01/09/2019 13:17

Sounds nuts, but have you considered a youth hostel? Swanage YHA has family rooms and does meals. Lovely Victorian building a few mins walk from the coast.

eyeoresancerre · 01/09/2019 13:44

We've used this hotel in Lyme Regis. It's 30 seconds from the beach and in the high street. Family rooms with courtyard if you ask, swimming pool, snooker and table tennis. Really thought it was fab.

Family-friendly hotels on Dorset coast that actually accept children
OneMoreForExtra · 01/09/2019 16:00

Loving these suggestions, thank you!

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OneMoreForExtra · 01/09/2019 16:15

Booked! Castle inn was full so going to Royal Lion in Lyme. Saving the youth hostel suggestion for a non-birthday related trip, good idea for getting away on a budget. Thanks, wise mumsnetters!

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TickleMyTitsTilFriday · 01/09/2019 16:34

Moonfleet Manor is very geared up for children, a really lovely place

eyeoresancerre · 01/09/2019 16:40

Have a wonderful time.

m0therofdragons · 01/09/2019 16:51

I was going to say moonfleet manor too. It's lovely and very family friendly without being butlins.

Hannahthepink · 01/09/2019 20:39

Another vote for Moonfleet Manor. I haven't personally stayed but as my parents live in Dorset, we have visited quite a few times (most recently last week), and it really is a fantastic spot and super child friendly, with a pool, playground and some animals around.

GoodwithRocksandGems · 01/09/2019 20:44

Place marking as we love Dorset and are always looking for new places to stay.

Grambler · 01/09/2019 20:48

We went to Moonfleet about 10 years ago and it was a mouldy shithole in need of major redecoration and an Ofsed inspection for the creche.

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