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Cornwall - which village out of these?

14 replies

longshot · 17/10/2018 20:21

I have seen two beautiful cottages one in Mousehole and one in St Agnes and I have no idea which to go for. One has a sea view but they both look idyllic and perfect for a family.

Can anyone tell me what sort of areas they are and if they are near beaches for walking / maybe a surf lesson one day?

We are going at Easter so not expecting sun bathing weather but would like 'stuff' to see and do. Kids are 7 & 4. DH will surf (if he can) NOT the kids as I think it will be far too cold to tempt them in...!

OP posts:
WindyWednesday · 17/10/2018 20:23

The thing with Cornwall is it’s small so you can always travel to where you want to visit. Although the roads are chocka in summer, if you are early birds it doesn’t matter where you are based, you can travel. North or south coast in a hour.

WindyWednesday · 17/10/2018 20:24

Everywhere in Cornwall is near a beach. It’s a coastal county, ditto surf lessons.

NicoAndTheNiners · 17/10/2018 20:44

Mousehole is lovely. Nice beach nearby at Porthcurno. The village itself has a few shops and pubs. Close enough to Sennan Cove, St Ives, Lands End to visit, also St Michaels Mount. We liked the telegaph museum place at Porthcurno - it was a good few years since we were there.

Never been to St Agnes.

NicoAndTheNiners · 17/10/2018 20:46

Just googled St Agnes and I see it's near Perranporth which a friend of mine goes to every year and from the photos the beach there looks good. Also near enough to Newquay and Falmouth so maybe more to do if it's colder at Easter?

WindyWednesday · 17/10/2018 20:47

Don’t go to Newquay.

longshot · 17/10/2018 22:32

I went to Newquay aged 16 and don’t plan on going there this time...!

I was hoping someone might have been to both places but it sound so like it’s all nice so I hopefully can find go wrong!

OP posts:
April2020mom · 17/10/2018 23:23

Surfing lessons. Seriously. Cornwall is a surfers paradise. Also are you going as a family or not? How old are the kiddos? Are you staying at a hotel or not? What’s your itinerary like? How long are you going for as well? Hopefully you’ll have a good time there.

Partyfops · 17/10/2018 23:29

Both quite similar, St Agnes is more central to reach the rest of the county.

St Agnes Is in the north coast with more surf.

Don't go to Penzance!

Cel982 · 17/10/2018 23:33

For surfing you want the North Coast; St Agnes is an ideal spot. Beach is tiny but has excellent waves - we'd sometimes go with the kids just to watch the surfers. The town itself is small and pretty quiet but it's very close to Perranporth which is much livelier and has a huge beach.
Mousehole is nice too and very pretty to walk around.

Littlechocola · 17/10/2018 23:41

Mousehole is more cut off than St Agnes so depends what you are after?
Both beautiful but depends on if you mind everyone knowing the date of your last smear?
If you are not keen on being invaded by emmits every summer and not being able to park on your drive go for a village near to either.

WindyWednesday · 18/10/2018 09:08

If you are going for a holiday I don’t think anyone will be interested in the date of your last smear.

longshot · 18/10/2018 09:20

Lol this has amused me! Yes we are just going for a one week holiday so hopefully smear test history irrelevant [grin}

Someone asked if we are going as a family...i think I said in the original post that we are going as a family, kids aged 7 & 4, DH will want to do a surf lesson (he's had a few before) but the kids are too young for it and will be put off by cold sea (going at Easter).

From what people are saying St Agnes might suit better as it's 'closer' to more towns which I suppose will be useful if we get bad weather.

OP posts:
Littlechocola · 18/10/2018 09:51

Sorry, I thought you were moving rather than holidaying in Cornwall.
You won’t be asked on holiday Grin when you live here the whole village need to know everybloodything Grin
Aggie definitely better for a holiday

Bamaluz · 18/10/2018 09:57

A sea view is great if the weather is bad, you can sit inside and watch the rain over the sea and still feel like you're on holiday.

I go to Cornwall every April.

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