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Pub in the new forest

4 replies

Tortadellanonna · 25/02/2018 20:52

I’d love your recommendations for a pub meal in the New Forest- scenic a bonus

OP posts:
GGrazebrook · 27/02/2018 17:16

Try The Bell in Bramshaw or look at // for some other options

Getabloominmoveon · 02/03/2018 08:14

Montague Arms in Beaulieu - lovely for a stay as well

samlovesdilys · 03/03/2018 19:00

There is a pig hotel in the new forest...not been there but others are lovely.

Grumpbum · 03/03/2018 19:06

The Pig is nice as is Limewood. Montague Arms in Beauliu is lovely

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