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Help please! Day in Bath tomorrow

16 replies

Rosie70 · 26/10/2017 18:04

Hi, we are staying in Somerset near Shepton Mallet for half term. It's our last day tomorrow and we would like to go to Bath tomorrow with our 3 kids age 14, 11 and 9. Would we be able to park easily near the centre, or would it be best to do Park and Ride? Should we go to the Roman baths?Are they likely to be packed? Where else would you recommend? And any nice places for lunch? Thank you!

OP posts:
errorofjudgement · 26/10/2017 18:25

I drove in at about 1pm today and parking was awful. If you will be there by 10:30 or so, then parking will be fine. If it’s later then you may want to look at the local park and rides.
Everywhere in Bath is busy, but the Roman baths are well worth doing.
If it’s your thing and the budget will stretch, then afternoon tea at the pump rooms is delicious and rather stunning (try to phone and pre-book though).
The city centre is very compact so easy to walk round and see the crescents and the circle.
There are a few museums in the centre, but I’m ashamed to admit we’ve never been in them. To be honest it’s lovely just wandering round.
(And I’m generally there for the shops).

The American museum near the university (will need your car as it’s out of the city) is fab though.

This is what the tourist centre advises as the top 10

Pancakeflipper · 26/10/2017 18:29

If you do the Roman Baths then get the childrens audio version - it's brilliant.

I was surprised at how much we loved the Roman Baths (boys aged 11 and 8).

applespearsbears · 26/10/2017 18:38

We took family to Roman Baths today it's great for kids but busy although the queue goes quickly. Also consider the Fashion Museum and East Asian Museum. Depending how old your kids are Victoria Park play area is big with a coffeehouse

applespearsbears · 26/10/2017 18:39

Definitely park and ride!

user1471596980 · 26/10/2017 18:43

Park and ride (free for kids I think). Roman baths are good - don’t suppose your kids have Blue Peter badges?
Victoria Park is great, and walkable from the centre.

IfYouGoDownToTheWoodsToday · 26/10/2017 18:45

Bath is awful for traffic on a normal day. Half term it will be atrocious so definitely park and ride.

Caulk · 26/10/2017 18:49

The fashion museum and the American museum are both good. The crazy golf is also good. I’ve never dont the Baths but have walked onto the roof of the abbey. Not sure how suitable it is for young children.
Visit Mr Bs Book emporium if you’re readers.

Ho11y · 26/10/2017 19:06

Park in the Odd down park and ride which you would practically go past on your way in anyway.
Definitely do the Roman baths with the kids audio version. It's brilliant. Depending on whether your children are boys or girls you might consider the museum of costume- you get a discount if you buy the romans and MoC tickets together.
The play park in the royal victoria park is fab, but your oldest might not appreciate it- but to get there you could walk around the circus and the royal crescent. The open top bus tour is pretty fab too- and if your kids aren't walkers then you could jump off the bus tour at the closest stop to the park. There is a great pool with slides at the sports center, although the center itself is the grimest public leisure center I've ever been in and feels like they haven't refurbished it since I used it with school 25 years ago!And it's almost impossible to find their opening times online.
The best cafe style lunch options are at the top of Milsom street along george street, or try hall and Woodhouse, which is along a cobbled back street for a more informal restaurant feel. It's the best city on earth! Have fun :)

Ho11y · 26/10/2017 19:08

Or you could book a tower tour of the abbey for great views. That ones still on my to do list. You can book on line.

Rosie70 · 26/10/2017 19:08

Thanks so much for your helpful tips. Will definitely park and ride and do the baths plus wander around, then go to the book emporium, and tea at Pump Room sounds lovely. Annoyingly my DD does have a Blue Peter badge (3 in fact, very keen!) But they are at home...

OP posts:
Rosie70 · 26/10/2017 19:11

Ho11y I just cross posted with you. Some great suggestions thank you. May do the open top bus tour as well. Just wish we had more than one day!

OP posts:
2014newme · 26/10/2017 19:11

Went today we got the train. I would do park and ride. We too take advantage 9f the blue peter badges!

LIZS · 26/10/2017 19:12

Baths and abbey worth visiting. The pump rooms and Royal Crescent if you fancy a walk. Don't bother with the Jane Austen experience, cringey and overpriced! Parking was a nightmare, do the park and ride but check when it finishes in the evening if you plan to eat out.

RoryItsSnowing · 26/10/2017 19:20

Go to the Raven pub for pies and/or sausage & mash. Very famous and absolutely delicious, quirky pub and child friendly!

wheresmyphone · 26/10/2017 19:28

I vote for Roman Baths, red bus tour, kids play ground: loads of jungle gyms, slides etc at Victoria Park (just underneath the Royal Crescent then head to the west side of the park other side of Marlborough Road. And yes park and ride: even if you do find somewhere to park most of it is limited to 4 hrs max. Oh,Buskers outside abbey and there is a road close by with about 6 different ice cream shops called York Street. Smile

wheresmyphone · 02/11/2017 07:06

How was your day out?

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