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Family Friendly hotel in Lake District recommendations please

14 replies

yohoohoo · 16/02/2017 15:42

3 of us just want a week away in August...anything hotel, cottage needs to be cheap and what is there to do for a 12 yr old boy!!!

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Ferguson · 16/02/2017 20:42

I'll come back with more information; but there are 214 mountains a 12yr old can climb!

PatsysPyjamas · 16/02/2017 20:45

Not sure about hotels but booked a cottage through Lake Lovers - lots of choice and good price range

SirNiallDementia · 16/02/2017 20:50
Ferguson · 17/02/2017 20:29

Apologies for curt initial reply, but my dinner was on the table!

The 214 mountains ('Fells') referred to the ones in the seven guidebooks by Alfred Wainwright, which he compiled between 1952 and 1966. These handwritten and hand-drawn works of art have given inspiration to all true fellwalkers for the past forty years. For this labour of love, as he called it, he was awarded the MBE.

The following 'link' gives details of many of these walks and routes:

lovelyupnorth · 18/02/2017 07:44

Premier inn in Kendal or Penrith.

Loads to do depends on budget. Favourite of my kids is tree top trek at Brockhole.

MrsT2007 · 18/02/2017 07:45

Wild boar at crook

WingMirrorSpider · 18/02/2017 07:46

Try the YHA at Ambleside. It's really good value and lots of facilities.

Cosmo2908 · 18/02/2017 07:51

We stay in the Old Vicarage in Ambleside with our boys. Its a b&b but has a swimming pool & a pool table & board games in the lounge.
They do good breakfasts too!

reallyneedmoresleep · 18/02/2017 16:35

We've just come back from Ambleside YHA and it's brilliant! Would definitely go again. My 12 yr old enjoyed playing table tennis and pool in the games room and we had a great walk up to Rydal caves

yohoohoo · 21/02/2017 09:58

Looked at the YHA and it's more money than a cottage.

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reallyneedmoresleep · 21/02/2017 12:56

Are you sure? Bear in mind if you look at a 4 person room, that's the cost for the room, not per person.
Don't mean to sound patronising- I made this mistake at first.
In half term last week, a 5 person en suite room at Ambleside YHA was about £50 per night

yohoohoo · 21/02/2017 15:15

£800 for a week I can get a cottage on Lake Lovers for £465

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yohoohoo · 21/02/2017 15:15

we are talking August though

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reallyneedmoresleep · 22/02/2017 09:59

Gosh that's prohibitively expensive!

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