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Crieff Hydro Questions

14 replies

MrsBettany · 01/01/2015 21:43

Having seen lots of posters recommending Crieff Hydro, we're considering it for our summer holiday with the DC. I've got a couple of quick questions that I was hoping anyone who has been there could answer for me please?

  • there are floor plans for the self catering apartments but not for the hotel rooms. Which are the best rooms for me and DH with 2 young DC (6 & 2). Some of them mention 'partially separated' sleeping areas but I'm not quite clear what that is actually like.

  • is the veggie food any good? Menus look okay but I've read some not-so-good reviews of the veggie food.

  • I'm assuming the Freedom Dining is worthwhile?

  • how does booking the childcare work? The website says best to book in advance but are there fixed sessions or can you book any time slots? And is the kids' high tea only available if you book an evening slot at the childcare? What do you do for kids' food if you're not using an evening slot?

    (The childcare is v tempting but we haven't ever really used childcare when on holiday before, can't imagine we'll want the kids to use all of the 6 hours daily as it seems a lot for their ages - they may not like it at all! But we don't want to not book any, then they turn out to love it but it's all full so we can't use any. Hope that makes sense...).

    Thanks in advance Flowers.
OP posts:
BikeRunSki · 01/01/2015 21:55

1 - only ever stayed s/c
2 -it's ok, limited, but ok. We s/c so we didn't use the restaurants every day.
3- dunno about Freedom dining
4- we booked "big Country" about 3 months before we went. Session are 9.30-12.30; 13.30-16:30 and 18:00-21:00 I think. You choae up to 2 sessions per child, per day. Can cancel the previous day. The Kid's high tea is seperate, at 16:30-18:00 - parents need to accompany their children.

BikeRunSki · 01/01/2015 21:56

Ps - DS loved Big Country last summer, he was nearly 6.

KissMyFatArse · 01/01/2015 22:17

Hotel rooms were big and had double bunk beds in the kids room which was just through a door from our room. Which we left open so could always come in and out.

Hotel buffet brekkie is delish. And the childcare was brilliant. Has a big castle inside and they also take them outside for play too. We booked the childcare sessions when we got there and sometimes on the day.

Pool has seperate kids area and lots of outdoor activities. Overall this is Defo the best hotel we've stayed at and is very kids focused. The restaurants at night are lovely also.

Really good choice IMO for a kid friendly hotel.

3nationsfamily · 02/01/2015 10:32

Very family friendly but if you are there during school holidays the pool gets really busy. If you want to do any organised activities or use the spa you need to book well in advance or you won't get a slot. Also book your meal times in the evenings in advance too for the adults. Food is OK but a bit mass catering as you would expect for a large hotel of this size. Reasonable range of alternative options in Crieff itself.

Graciescotland · 02/01/2015 10:47

I'd agree that the hotel is very kids friendly, the food can be pretty rubbish though and it's very busy in the holidays. There's a fab kids cafe in Creiff itself for lunch, I take my DS's 2 and 4 there a fair bit. Completely at the other end of the UK but the Headland hotel in Cornwall is absolutely amazing with kids.

MrsBettany · 02/01/2015 10:48

Really appreciate the replies!

kiss - do you know which hotel room that was? It sounds like just what we need.

Am pleased high tea is not just for those using the evening sessions at Big Country, my DC are in bed reasonably early most nights.


OP posts:
CaroleLJ · 02/01/2015 11:02

The swimming instructors are fab. Both my DDs learned there and I've taken several nieces ad nephews there for the weekend, just for swimming lessons. The pool does get very busy at kids' times, but not bad at other times.

All the kids I've taken loved the kids' club. 6 year old niece loved it last year.

It has changed a lot over the years but still s very special place.

KissMyFatArse · 02/01/2015 16:21

Just asked my DP, he's sure it was family suite? 2 large bedrooms with ours having a hugeee bedpans then the double bunks through the door.

The food in the restaurants is lovely however we weren't there during holidays so may fluctuate. We still rave about the buffet brekkies tho.

There's also horse riding on site, and more than enough for the kids so I think you'll have a great time there.

Book the children into the childcare, get yourself a massage booked and prosecco in the room and chill for a few hours too Wink

Oh god....

Take me with you GrinGrinGrin

Wenchelda · 04/01/2015 13:22

Sorry to crash thread, but does anyone know the cheapest time of year to go to Crieff hydro? (to save me searching the website and checking every date!) obviously will be outside school hols but wondering if spring or autumn would be cheaper. Thanks.

BikeRunSki · 04/01/2015 14:18

They are having a ssle now Wenchdela with availability to end of March. Not sure if this only for returning customers though.

CinderToffee · 11/01/2015 12:37

I've always gone at the end of January/beginning of January, which seems to be the cheapest time.

AgentProvocateur · 11/01/2015 12:47

PMSL @ KissMyFatArse's "huge bedpans"!

AmandaTanen · 11/01/2015 12:48

It is worth paying for an executive room as they tend to be situated in quieter bits of the hotel, away from the lifts etc. if you phone to book the staff are really helpful and can talk you through room options. You can pay a bit extra to guarantee a room.

Agree with others about booking child care, activites, dinner in advance.

Breakfast is fab, and dinner can be hit or a miss, they have cut down on portion sizes especially in the more formal restaurant, my DH would need to order and pay for extra veg!

There are plenty of free activities too, lots to keep you entertained.

EssexYumMum · 18/04/2015 09:35

I know this thread is three months old now but thought I'd answer the childcare questions in case it helps anyone as I had similar questions before we went.
I would advise that you book as many child care seasons as possible as far in advance as possible. Then, you can cancel the ones you don't need just the day before each. The reason I say that is, I tried to be super organised and only booked three sessions for the week we stayed and booked indoor/ outdoor activities in advance as well. The day before we were to arrive we got a phone call to say they had to cancel our horse riding session due to a bereavement and I ended up having to move almost everything else around to reschedule, as horse riding was the kids favourite activity. When I tried to move Big Country I couldn't of course as it had long waiting lists for all sessions.

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