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New forest and young children.

7 replies

dannyboyle · 09/02/2014 23:29

Looking to spend a week in new forest with us and two young children in may. Recommendations on accommodation please? . Never been to a holiday park place, tended to do smaller sites or individual cottages, farm stay etc. budget I guess up to £800 ish for week.

OP posts:
CocktailQueen · 10/02/2014 14:47

We have stayed in Lymington (just out of New Forest but lots of good beaches etc near by) and Hoburne Naish - a Hoseasons park. We generally steer clear of busy parks but this one was very good - good restaurant, pool, sauna, kids' activities.

MrsBonkers · 25/02/2014 00:05

We stayed at the Balmer Lawn hotel booked through
Could see the ponies out of our window.

Inthebeginning · 25/02/2014 00:10

Hobourne naish is gorgeous

charlieg22 · 06/03/2014 11:28

We stayed at Shorefield Country Park at Milford on Sea just on edge of New Forest. Lovely park with good facilities + a range of caravans, lodges etc. Recommended it to friends who also loved it. Best of both worlds - forest + seaside!

IamTotallyUnreasonableOk · 06/03/2014 11:29

We stayed at 'sandy balls'. I actually chose it for the funny name but my DS loved it!

Epictantrum · 09/03/2014 07:04

If you can get a deal, or afford a couple of nights at new manor park I would highly recommend.

Eve · 09/03/2014 07:06

Sandy balls

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