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Where should we stay in cornwall?

28 replies

madhide · 14/07/2006 11:11

We are looking to book a short break in September have been to Cornwall before Fowey, St Ives etc but looking for somewhere different to stay that is ideally near the sea and has shops/restaurants nearby

Any suggestions it will be me DH and DD 2 years

OP posts:
joelallie · 14/07/2006 17:04

Well I have to say that I love both the places you mentioned...

But Mousehole is gorgeous and not far from Penzance. Padztow is great for food (obviously) but I think it might be bit busy even in September. What about the north coast - Port Isaac? Boscastle?

hotmama · 14/07/2006 17:21

I'll keep looking at this with interest - as I am going to St Ives for the 3rd year running - and don't know much about the other bits of Cornwall so plumped for what I know.

I also want a good beach, shops/restaurants etc.

mykidsmum · 14/07/2006 17:33

I love bude and newquay but they are not everyones cup of tea!

petrified · 14/07/2006 19:19

Always loved Bude and Perranporth

satine · 14/07/2006 19:29

Agree with Joelallie - Polzeath area is great, and easy to get to Padstow from there for Rick Stein fish n chips!

JessaJam · 14/07/2006 19:33

Perranporth has huuuuge sandy beach and a seaside-y main shopping street ( shops selling buckets an dspades etc) campsites and B&Bs etc couple of restaurants/pubs that do food
Near there is St Agnes, not so beachy (beaches nearby) more upmarket (yuk, hate that word...but you know what I mean?) shops - little crafty shops and galleries etc - some nice restaurants and pubs ( great sunday roast!)Actually if Fowey is your kind of place, you'll like St Agnes
Polzeath - nice sandy beach, is where all the little darlings take the 4X4 they got for their 17th birthday during the summer hols though!

Whoel area round there is nice.

Personally wouldn't stay in Newquay, stag and hen weekends all over the place - impressive beach mind you, maybe a day trip

lewsmummy · 14/07/2006 20:12

we've been recommended here

WideWebWitch · 14/07/2006 20:19

I would thoroughly recommend this company, gorgeous

Crackle · 14/07/2006 21:24

Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhh! WWW, we are staying with Niche Retreats in August. Please tell me all about your stay.

nicnack2 · 14/07/2006 21:37

padstow. we spent our honeymoon there >

ScummyMummy · 14/07/2006 21:40

Polperro is lovely.

WideWebWitch · 15/07/2006 11:59

Crackle, I was really impressed with Niche. The service was fab, I ordered via Tesco online (and foolishly posted the order here, everyone took the piss mightily!) and they put it all away before we got there and there was a bottle of wine, 2 glasses and a corkscrew waiting for us when we got there. It was fantastic, which one are you going to? My sister's stayed at Westward, which I really fancy and we stayed at The Boat House.

cece · 15/07/2006 12:01

Portreath or Portowan are lovely . Not touristy at all.

Crackle · 15/07/2006 12:07

The Boat House looks perfect but had already gone when we booked about 3 months ago.

We are in Mounts Bay which looks far too big for us but was all they had left. I was quite amazed when they offered a discount to us as a small group given that it's such a big house. I'm sure that they could have let it full price but they really went all out not to disappoint us.

I can't wait. Where would you recommend if eating out in the village?

WideWebWitch · 15/07/2006 12:14

Oh Crackle, that house looks lovely. The Boat House is one of the ones that isn't in Porthleven so I can't advise about eating out there but it was fantastic ordering online and having food in the cupboards/fridge when we arrived. And if The Boat House was anything to go by it'll be very nicely furnished and will have fluffy towels and crisp bedlinen, it's really excellent quality self catering imo. There were lots of nice touches too like childrens games in the blanket box and a coffee/breakfast tray laid out with teapot and milk jug and stuff (plus the wine as mentioned!). Niche has a chef who will cook for you and deliver I think.

madhide · 18/07/2006 19:39

Thanks everyone for your suggestions Niche retreats sounds lovely www will definitely bear them in mind for next year they are pretty full up for this year!

OP posts:
Dior · 18/07/2006 19:40

Message withdrawn

annobal · 04/08/2006 22:10

Sorry to hijack the thread - www saw your recommendation elsewhere and niche look gorgeous. All they have left for the date we want is The Engine Room which looks gorgeous but a bit concerned that it will be quite remote. It's either that or a fisherman's cottage in St Ives (ds are 3 and 18mths). Would welcome any suggestions...

mogwai · 12/08/2006 20:26

We are staying at carbis bay, just outside st Ives.

The parking and traffic in St Ives is a problem - most self-catering accommodation comes without parking.

Carbis bay is just around the headland (near Tesco) and you can get into St Ives along the coastal path or via the train.

fullmoonfiend · 12/08/2006 20:30

North coast is great - I can recommend Travathan Farm, near Port Isaac if you want s/c.

Wordsmith · 12/08/2006 20:45

Niche retreats looks fantastic but pricy - something to save up for through.

IMO you can't beat St Ives but we never go there in the summer - too packed. We've been going to Padstow area too for a couple of years as we have friends in Wadebridge but again trying to avoid the main weeks. Now DS1 is in school we can't avoid the main weeks and unfortunately Padstow and St Ives town are quite different then to the lovely quiet retreats they become at other times of the year.

However I don't think you can beat the beaches between about Newquay and Port Isaac - ie Watergate Bay, Harlyn Bay, Trevone, hawkers Cove, Daymer Bay, Polzeath etc, so anywhere within reasonable distance of those beaches would be a good idea. We're staying at St Merryn next week which has a fab chippy.

One of the best places we stayed was in Polzeath with Rock Holidays in the Garden Bungalows (I think we stayed in Sundeck - no 4 which was lovely). They're literally over the road from the beach, behind Costcutter, small and bijou but great for one or two small children, have decking out back and a lawn, barbecue and the lot. There are a couple of decent restaurants, the aforementioned costcutter, newsagents and two surfy-type clothes shops, plus a costa coffee etc. It is a bit Hugo and Jemima at times but a lovely place to be with kids.

UrsulatheSeawitch · 12/08/2006 20:58

This house is in a fantastic location. No use at all for this year (until December ) and it's already booked for a lot of weeks next year but if you can go outside school hols there is some availability in April, May and Sept and it's so cheap!!!

In fact May half-term is still available . I would book it myself but DS2 has his heart set on going abroad next year.

Norah · 12/08/2006 21:07

If you fancy Bude I can recommend "Kennacott Court" - sorry can't do links and no time to learn - but Google it and it'll come up.

It's a great place - about 10 holiday cottages with a lovely indoor pool which your little one will adore ! they also have a great Playroom with lots of Little Tykes toys, a ball pool, wendy house etc - and most importantly lots of chairs for you to sit in ! Also have swings, and adventure play area and a wildlife walk. And if you or dh into golf there's a small golf course.

Location is great - about 10 mins outside Bude - at Widemouth Bay. 5 mins in car to Widemouth Bay wich is a great beach, or there are two beaches at Bude itself. Lots of take-aways etc in Bude for an easy life.

Standard is very high - one of the most luxurious cottages we've stayed in. Washing machine and tumble dryer - and dishwasher too.

Definitely worth a look - we wish we'd found it sooner ! Really quiet and relaxing as well,


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CarlyP · 12/08/2006 21:17

glynn barton cottages. amazing

or try mevagissey, beautiful place..

loveeeeeeeeee cornwall!

Crackle · 14/08/2006 16:01

Very excited now. I've just booked my tesco delivery slot and pondered for a moment on the merits of posting the list here.

(Honestly, that would be funny if you had been here during WWW's last holiday thread. )

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