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Things to do near Barmouth

22 replies

notalone · 02/08/2010 18:33

We have the opportunity to go to Barmouth, North Wales in a couple of weeks and are wondering what we can do in the area, especially on a rainy day. I know Harlech isn't too far away and we intend to visit the Llyn a fair bit too, but what is there to do in the actual vicinity (DS is 8)? Also are there any really good places to get fish and chips because I only ever eat this when I am away so want to make sure I get a good one!

I know Barmouth always gets quite a bashing on here so I also wanted to know if it really is as awful as people have made it out to be

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moondog · 02/08/2010 18:38

Well, you are near my neck of the woods and while Barmouth itself is a bit tacky (in a jolly seaside sort of way) there is plenty to do there.

Nearby, you have lots of other lovely places-Dolgellau, Aberdovey, Tywyn.Great for driving and walking and lazing on the beach andmeandering.

Porthmadog also nearby-steamtrain, Portmeirion, nice little town,more great beaches.

FloraFinching · 02/08/2010 18:43

sorry to hijack, but moondog, we paid your crab man a visit whilst on holiday near Botwnnog. Top stuff - thanks for the tip.

SleepingLion · 02/08/2010 18:44

Drive up the coast: half way between Barmouth and Harlech are two little villages, Tal-y-Bont and Dyffryn Ardudwy. If you go to the beach from either of these places, it is gorgeous - go through the sand dunes to miles and miles of firm (sandcastle-style) sand stretching in either direction.

If you like walking, there are plenty of lovely walks up into the mountains with gorgeous views of the sea.

As a child, I spent all my holidays there and I've always had a soft spot for Barmouth ever since: donkey rides, candy floss, the rock shop, paying your 20p (bet it's gone up now) to walk across the bridge...

notalone · 02/08/2010 18:49

Oooh - now I am really excited because we can walk to both Dyffryn Ardudwy and Tal y Bont from where we are staying (place called Parc Isaf). Can you take dogs too?

Moondog - I don't mind jolly seaside tacky. What I do hate is miles and miles of arcades and the like. Walking, eating and lazing on the beach are all right up my street though

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moondog · 02/08/2010 19:01

Notalone, I love it around there and never tire of it. Have fun.

Oh did you Flora? Nice one! When was that then? Whereabouts were you holidaying? What did you get up to?

FloraFinching · 02/08/2010 19:07

we rented a cottage for a week at the end of June. we did absolutely nothing other than laze on the beaches, devouring crab sandwiches!

moondog · 02/08/2010 19:09

Oh how lovely!
It makes me very happy when people come to my neck of the woods and have a good time.

notalone · 02/08/2010 19:46

Thanks Moondog. I love it in Wales and am really glad we ar going back this year. We usually stay on the Llyn so this area is a first for us but it sounds lovely. What is this deal with this crab man by the way. DP loves crab and is always complaining that he can never get hold of decent ones

OP posts:
moondog · 03/08/2010 05:34

Selective Seafoods
This lovely guy just gets them striaght from the sea.No pretension or fuss, just great quality and reasonably priced seafood.

SleepingLion · 03/08/2010 08:56

Oh, I remember Parc Isaf! We could never afford to stay there when I was a child

If you look at the map of where it is (up on the lower slopes of the mountain range above Dyffryn) there are some beautiful walks into the mountains above you. A particularly lovely one is if you walk along the main road to Tal y Bont and then up the path alongside the Ysgethin - a beautiful rocky stream.

There are also lovely footpaths along the slopes near where you are staying so you can walk to Dyffryn or Tal y Bont through the fields rather than along the main road.

You will have a lovely time!

SleepyCaz · 03/08/2010 10:02

That area is lovely. DH and I go all the time. Honeymooned there too, just outside Harlech.

The Slate Caverns are worth a visit. So are the Roman Steps. Going crabbing off barmouth pier is fun too. Walking up Snowdon is a good adventure, but maybe not with young DC's lol.

My family and I used to stay in Dyffryn Seaside Estates Caravan Park every Summer for 2 weeks as children too. Beaches/dunes so beautiful, as has already been said.

notalone · 03/08/2010 18:06

Moondog - damn! We stayed at Tudweilliog last year. If only I knew about him then! Still I am sure we will go back down that way again this year as we fell in love with Penllech beach and the Ty Coch Inn so a trip back is definitely needed.

Sleeping Lion and Sleepy Caz - thanks! The area sounds lovely. There was a thread on here I found from a few months ago where someone was asking about renting a cottage near Barmouth and all the replies said not to do it so she cancelled it and booked somewhere else. I was really worried when I read this but you have made the area sound gorgeous.

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deaddei · 04/08/2010 12:29

Definitely go to Aberdyfi- have afternoon tea at the Trefeddian hotel- big place on a hill with fab views. Crabbing, lovely beach.
There is a lovely walk near Barmouth- from Morfa Mawddach (train stop before Barmouth), walk towards Fairbourne, get ferry over to Barmouth. Views are stunning.
Cregennon lakes at Arthog- steep drive through many gates- wonderful scenery.
Talyllyn Lake- great hotel Tyn-y-Cornel for lunch where Welsh is actually spoken.
Portmerion- great for a day out.

deaddei · 04/08/2010 12:31

And outside Dolgellau is Coed y Brenin- huge forest, with mountain bike trails.

notalone · 04/08/2010 16:59

Thanks Deaddei. We went to Coed Y Brenin a couple of years ago en route to Tenby and it was beautiful. Definitely worth a re visit. And the rest sounds lovely too I hope we get good weather

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EssieW · 04/08/2010 20:57

Lovely area!

Mawddach trail - Barmouth to Dolgellau along the estuary. It's a cycle track and you can hire bikes in Dolgellau (and probably Barmouth too). Stunning.

Cadair Idris is the 'local' mountain. It's not a hard walk but you do need waterproofs etc. The way up the Pony Path is the best - I have done it with an 8 year old before.

Centre for Alternative Technology - bit further south but worth a visit.

Dolgoch falls - south of Barmouth. On the Tal-y-Llyn steam railway which goes from Tywyn. Nice tea rooms at Dolgoch falls. There's also the Corris mountain railway but I've not done that.

smaiwa · 05/08/2010 00:25

Fresh lobsters and crabs in the seafood shack near the harbour in Barmouth.
Bike hire at nearby Dolgellau and the Mawddach trail is gentle and very scenic.The GeorgeIV in Penmaenpool is right on the river and worth a stop on a sunny day as you can sit outside.
One of the beaches around Talybont is clothing optional.Its well signposted but be prepared.
Harlech Castle is v good.The mainline railway is v scenic.

notalone · 07/08/2010 14:12

Thanks Essie and Smaiwa - your suggestions sound lovely!

Are there any indoor things to do in the event of rain? This August has been diabolical so far and I have a feeling it may rain a fair bit Sad

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JiltedJohnsJulie · 20/07/2013 16:52

Know this is a very old thread but we are going for a week in August and the long range forecast isn't looking good. Dd is asking if there is any swimming or climbing we could do in wet weather?

Really looking forward to going to Portmeirion and getting onto the beach in Barmouth Smile

smaiwa · 22/07/2013 22:55

Climbing wall and pool in Harlech about 15 mins away. Also pools fairly nearby in Porthmadog and Bala(this one has a biggish slide as well). There are ropeworks places in Betws y Coed and Coed y Brenin but they aren't cheap.Beacon climbing centre near Llanberis is about an hour and a quarter's drive and you can have a cuppa and a fry up with the rest of the climbing fraternity at the legendary Pete's Eats.Have fun.

JiltedJohnsJulie · 23/07/2013 07:26

smaiwa. That's brilliant thank you. Unfortunately she's too young for GoApe at Coed y Brenin, she's only 5 but has got a real taste for climbing. dH might go to Coed y Brenin for some mountain biking, if so we'll probably go and do some other stuff, there seems to be lots to do.

So glad I asked and we've got something to do if it rains. Looks like it might rain quite a bit...

Siocoat · 19/11/2019 09:02

Sorry to intrude on your conversation. If you ever want to come back to the area I have holiday cottages in Talybont. 10 minute walk to the beach, very peaceful place.
Or like us on fb for up to date offers
Bennarisacottages 😀
Glad you like the area I feel very lucky to have grown up in such a beautiful place ❤️

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