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Toys for a one year old...what should I buy?!

15 replies

febel · 04/11/2021 18:07

My friend's son is one soon and I don't really know what to buy her (my children are a lot older and I'm out of touch!) She lives in flat so has limited space. Can you recommend any toys your one year olds loved....unusual ones would be good as she seems to have a lot of the ones I thought of...bricks, cars, stackers etc. I plan on spending around £10 - £20.

OP posts:
MonkeyPuddle · 04/11/2021 18:11

My sister has just bought my one year daughter a musical instrument set, various instruments and some drum sticks and they all store inside a drum. She got it from tkmaxx. It’s easily the thing she’s played with the most.

NuffSaidSam · 04/11/2021 18:16

I'd second musical instruments.

Duplo is great if she doesn't have that.

Puzzle or activity board, have a look at Melissa and Doug stuff.


Bubble machine or just bubbles and blower.

MonkeyPuddle · 04/11/2021 18:23

Bubble machine is a good shout, we have this one from smyths and I really like it.

Toys for a one year old...what should I buy?!
febel · 04/11/2021 18:37

I had seen this too..we had similar in a marble run but marbles would be too small for a one year old...thoughts anyone? Could get a book or bubbles etc too.
I have a few one year old birthdays coming up over the next six months so all suggestions will be gratefully received..friends and family ones !

OP posts:
NuffSaidSam · 04/11/2021 18:42

That looks fun, but quite big and bulky. I probably wouldn't buy as a gift without checking with the parents first.

febel · 04/11/2021 18:43

Gosh yes..hadn't looked at the IS a bit big!!

OP posts:
febel · 04/11/2021 18:48

....although thought it was in inches...old in cm so not as big as I thought.... I didn't really want to check as it's a surprise...I;'ve checked with her mum who I know well and she's told me what she has already...

OP posts:
Imabitbusyatthemoment · 04/11/2021 18:48

Metal tea set. My two loved them from the time they were a bit over one until they were much older children. Definitely a lasting present.

Imabitbusyatthemoment · 04/11/2021 18:49

Or duplo, my 10 and 7 year old still play with the set that the eldest got for her first bday. Can be combined with lego when they’re older.

TheUndeadLovelinessOfDemons · 04/11/2021 18:50

A shape sorter.

NigellaSeedofChucky · 04/11/2021 18:54

Second the tea set suggestion. Mega blox is easier for a 1 year old than Duplo.

NuffSaidSam · 04/11/2021 20:40

Megablox are too bulky and don't age as well imo. Duplo is harder to put together at one, but they enjoy taking it apart looking at the pieces, playing with the cars etc. and then the building comes a little later, but you want a toy that can grow with them.

Findahouse21 · 04/11/2021 20:41

Aqua doodle

KILNAMATRA · 04/11/2021 20:57

The wooden train sets are nice too.. with Bridges etc

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