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Tumble dryer to remove cat hair?

4 replies

bellinique · 28/06/2020 16:12

After reading an old thread on here, I was very excited to learn that you can get rid of cat hair on your clothes by putting them in the tumble dryer.

I've just stuck a bundle of fur-covered clothes in the dryer and was disappointed to pull them out still resembling a yeti 20 minutes later.

Can anyone help to confirm that this does work and if so, tell me what I'm doing wrong?

I used the coolest setting (40). Does it need to be hotter? Colder? Should I have left them in longer?

Keeping fingers crossed for an easy solution to the ridiculous amounts of hair that my ragdoll master is shedding everywhere!

OP posts:
AlCalavicci · 28/06/2020 16:39

I dont have a dryer so I cant help with that bit but I have found the best way to get fur off anything is ( inc the cat / dog) is put on a pair of marigolds and stroke the item , it is easier to do it if someone is wearing the item .

ElleL · 28/06/2020 16:56

I’ve never heard of that technique, and to be honest I can’t see how it could work! We use OXO de-fuzzer thingys. They work really well. Still a complete faff and all the work is undone the second the fuzzball has another cuddle lol, but they do actually work and are much cheaper (&quiter) than using never ending rolls of tape! They do 3 Sizes - furniture, normal & travel. We have the lot of them and use them daily!!
... just looked up the proper name of them : OXO Good Grips Furlifter Self Cleaning Garment Brush

GachaBread · 07/07/2020 01:21

It works alright, you have to have the dryer on a hot setting. I leave in for a good 45mins to an hour. The hairs deposit with the fluff that you have to remove and I find it is so satisfying to see them engrained with the fluff, I inspect it each and every time.

I was baffled by this, still am but it really is a life saver in my household to have this way of getting rid of the hairs.

I literally came to look on here for threads about cats shredding too much hair, what is normal, what is not etc and came across this so had to reply. It really does work, give it a try!

NC4Now · 07/07/2020 01:24

My cats are shedding a lot at the moment too. Its. not what you asked but I’ve recently discovered the best thing for getting hair off the sofa is the remote control, button side down. It works a treat!

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