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How best to get rid of balls on my cashmere jumpers

12 replies

LifeInAHamsterWheel · 28/10/2022 10:35

I've got two lovely cashmere jumpers, both only bought a year ago but have now got a few little balls (mostly around the boob area and inside arm)

What's the best way to get rid of them? Do I need to get one of those little electric shavers? Is there a 'hack' I could use?!

OP posts:
AmongstTheCosmos · 28/10/2022 10:43

I have a cashmere comb which sorts mine out. I think I bought it cheaply on Amazon.

Housewife2010 · 28/10/2022 10:44

I second a cashmere comb.

hairyunicorn · 28/10/2022 10:45

I used to work for a luxury cashmere brand and we gave out cashmere combs with every purchase. they work really well and are very cheap

DameDoom · 28/10/2022 10:48

Yep, definitely a cashmere comb. Be very, very gentle and take your time. I avoid electric shavers as they are too harsh - you’ll end up with no jumper left. I don’t think there is a short cut to doing this.

Sooverthemill · 28/10/2022 11:05

As everyone will say, a cashmere comb. Amazon sleeps them, mine came with a cashmere jumper but I've always had one for all knitwear

LifeInAHamsterWheel · 29/10/2022 09:40

Thanks everyone I'll go for the comb I'm so glad I asked as I was going to spend on an electric shaver!

OP posts:
Dogtooth · 29/10/2022 09:43

Ltb, he's not respecting your knitwear

TeaAndStrumpets · 29/10/2022 09:58

Dogtooth · 29/10/2022 09:43

Ltb, he's not respecting your knitwear

I have something called a sweater stone, I think it is pumice. I just rub it gently over the sweater to remove pilling.

Cantonet · 29/10/2022 10:07

A Phillips De-bobbler.
I think it damages the cashmere less than a comb & is far more effective. I have numerous Cashmere Jumpers that I've collected over the years & a once-over with this gets them looking like new.

AnotherFuckingUsername · 29/10/2022 10:25

Phillips de-bobbler. Much kinder than a comb (and quicker).

notwavingbutdrowning1 · 29/10/2022 14:14

I second the Phillips de-bobbler. Best Christmas present ever. It's made my jumpers look like new.

LifeInAHamsterWheel · 29/10/2022 21:52

Dogtooth · 29/10/2022 09:43

Ltb, he's not respecting your knitwear


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