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Best debobbler for cashmere sweaters

9 replies

dryroastcumin · 04/10/2022 16:24

What’ s the safest and most effective way to debobble cashmere sweaters? I’m currently using a comb but it’s very slow-going.The shavers online get very variable reviews and some are apparently designed for sofas rather than jumpers which is probably more shaving power than I need.

OP posts:
AnotherFuckingUsername · 04/10/2022 18:26

I found combs slow and I felt like I was risking stretching the fabric. I buy most of my cashmere from who recommended on their site a Phillips battery powered lint remover. I bought one of that recommendation and chuffed with it.

ChilliPB · 04/10/2022 21:34

AnotherFuckingUsername · 04/10/2022 18:26

I found combs slow and I felt like I was risking stretching the fabric. I buy most of my cashmere from who recommended on their site a Phillips battery powered lint remover. I bought one of that recommendation and chuffed with it.

I think I have the same one! It’s really good 👍🏻

Ohchristmastreeohchristmastree · 05/10/2022 06:35

I just pinch them off with my fingers.

Xiaoxiong · 05/10/2022 06:53

I also have the Philips shaver - it's fab.

If you pinch them off with your fingers it pulls and stretches all the fibre and seems to make it worse. You also can only get the big ones!

Butterflywing · 05/10/2022 07:04

Gently use a metal nit comb: very easy, very cheap and very effective!

dryroastcumin · 05/10/2022 21:03

Thank you all for the advice. I’ve ordered the Phillips lint remover

OP posts:
minipie · 05/10/2022 21:06

Phillips shaver here too! I try not to use it too often though as I’m worried it’s taking a little off everywhere, not just the bobbles.

Nat6999 · 05/10/2022 23:50

I use my ladyshave, clears all bobbles & never pulls.

Nordicmom · 05/10/2022 23:53

Steamery fabric shaver is great !

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