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How do you organise your wardrobe

8 replies

ElizabethinherGermanGarden · 17/09/2022 12:42

I never seem to have enough space and I always feel annoyed about it. I've had a huge clear out and I want to reorganise beautifully.

Part of the problem is genuinely not having enough space, but equally, I can do better.

Hit me with your tips, please!

OP posts:
rhiannon1967 · 17/09/2022 13:30

I would definitely recommend the velvet hangers that you can get on Amazon
It looks nice with everything on the same hangers, plus they are really thin and not bulky like some hangers can be, so you can fit a lot more in!

PretzelLady · 17/09/2022 13:31

I chop and change tbh. I went through a phase of not getting rid of anything and just storing things away when they weren't being used regularly. But it got a bit too much. So I've also just done a big clear out. I'm going to put summer things away this weekend and also things I'm just not convinced I like anymore... Hopefully that will leave me with a bit more room in my wardrobe.

I then organise by garment type. I used to arrange by colour, but I don't wear that many different colours, so it isn't that useful. I hang everything other than lounge wear type things and underwear, swimsuit etc. I have had a big shoe cull and now all my shoes fit in my downstairs shoe rack. I'm putting away sandals now though as it's got colder.

LadyOfTheCanyon · 17/09/2022 13:44

Do you only have a wardrobe? I've moved all jeans/ jeggings and trousers over to a drawer which saves a lot of space.
T-shirts are rolled in another drawer, another drawer has folded things I rarely wear and the last one is jumpers.

In the wardrobe I just hang dresses, dressy tops and jackets. Bottom of the wardrobe: shoe boxes and a bag that unlucky clothes go into before they go to the charity shop.

ElizabethinherGermanGarden · 17/09/2022 18:39

I've got half a full length wardrobe and half a low bar, so about 3ft hanging space all told, plus one shelf 3' by 2' and a deep drawer. It's not enoooooouuuugggghhh!

OP posts:
LadyOfTheCanyon · 18/09/2022 17:54

Can you get boxes for the shelf? It'll allow you to fold things in them to a greater depth.

lovescats3 · 18/09/2022 18:06

I just hang dresses ,skirts ,blouses and jackets up everything else goes into the chest of drawers

MrsPear · 18/09/2022 19:11

I have a single clothes rail plus one of those tall / slim drawers. On the rail I have it organised by type and within that colour. In drawers it’s one drawer per type - bras, knickers, socks / tights, long sleeve tops / slips, pjs. I’ve just swapped over - so summer things are now in the loft and autumn / winter is down.

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