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Are leather leggings still a thing?

110 replies

TyrannosaurusRights · 18/01/2022 00:45

Browsing online shopping for things I might wear once I’m back to a pre pregnancy shape if not size.

Are leather look leggings still a thing? I liked them pre baby but I feel like I’ve been in maternity wear forever and now I’m not sure what I even want to wear.

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Hairyfriend · 18/01/2022 00:59

I never knew they ever were a thing? I recall real leather trousers, late 90's, when I started going to bars/nightclubs. Where would you even wear fake, leather, leggings???

JaneJeffer · 18/01/2022 01:02

I bought a pair during lockdown but I don't know if they're still fashionable. Pre lockdown everyone was wearing them on nights out.

PrettyBluebells · 18/01/2022 01:03

Yes they are

Wallawallakoala · 18/01/2022 01:04

I love leather look leggings with a chunky knit jumper, or dressed up with a floaty top. I'm not describing very well but I love them!

Shmithecat2 · 18/01/2022 01:05

Yes. I think they will be for a long time. Same sort of thing as leopard print. There will always be plenty of people wearing it, trendy or not. I like both Grin

psuedocream3 · 18/01/2022 08:29

Not sure about leggings but trousers very much are, there is loads in the AW/21 ranges in the shops

Beefcurtains79 · 18/01/2022 09:07

Skinny jeans and trousers are on way out, slightly looser ones are on style though and should last a long time (and it doesn’t matter so much if you get knee stretching).

Roominmyhouse · 18/01/2022 09:09


Skinny jeans and trousers are on way out, slightly looser ones are on style though and should last a long time (and it doesn’t matter so much if you get knee stretching).

I keep reading this but everyone I know is still wearing skinnies!
Lanique · 18/01/2022 09:09

I still wear mine a lot, but if I were buying some new ones now I'd probably go for a looser fit trouser. As they cost in excess of £300-odd it's an investment worth taking time over!

ItsRainingTacos · 18/01/2022 09:27

Leather leggings have had their day. I wouldn't waste money on that look anymore. The trend is now more this style...

Are leather leggings still a thing?
Are leather leggings still a thing?
FortySeven · 18/01/2022 09:40

But those cropped flared ones will look ridiculous in a couple of years; leather skinnies/leggings are a bit more “classic” as they’re already sort of retro (based on the 70s/80s rocker look). I think the latter are a better investment

Gonnagetgoing · 18/01/2022 09:57

I still see people wearing them but think they're a bit passe now.

I was looking at leather joggers recently until I saw the prices.

QuizzicalEyebrows · 18/01/2022 10:01

Yes they're a useful item of clothing to have

DillDanding · 18/01/2022 10:05

I live in coated/leather look jogging type things. I must have 5 or 6 pairs.

I hate those cropped, flared ones.

Sickoffamilydrama · 18/01/2022 10:07


I still see people wearing them but think they're a bit passe now.

I was looking at leather joggers recently until I saw the prices.

I bought a pair from Sainsbury's for £20 they are nicer than some of the more expensive ones I've seen, the inside of kind of fluffy. So worth keeping an eye out.
Shmithecat2 · 18/01/2022 11:02


Skinny jeans and trousers are on way out, slightly looser ones are on style though and should last a long time (and it doesn’t matter so much if you get knee stretching).

They'll have to prise my skinnies off my cold, hard, dead body. May well be easier just to bury me in them tbh.
Mollysocks · 18/01/2022 11:04

Yes I love mine OP, I also have a black suede pair and they are so comfy but still look like I’ve made an effort (even though I really haven’t 😊)

JaneJeffer · 18/01/2022 11:40

Who wears cropped trousers in winter?

XiCi · 18/01/2022 11:46

They seem dated to me now, just because wide trousers are the current shape. The leather look trousers I've seen recently have been more this shape. I think I'd still wear them to throw on with trainers and a chunky jumper in the day but not to go out on a night out

Are leather leggings still a thing?
JaneJeffer · 18/01/2022 11:50

I like those @XiCi

WhiteCatmas · 18/01/2022 11:53

Cropped flared trousers look like pirate wear.

thisplaceisweird · 18/01/2022 11:55

People above are correct. 'Skinny' styles e.g. skinny jeans, leggings are trousers are OUT.

Crop flare/long wide-leg, cigarette styles are IN

DramaAlpaca · 18/01/2022 11:58

I don't care if they are in or out, I will never be parted from mine. I love them, they look great on me, I feel good in them, they are staying!

As for the cropped, flared things - just no. They look ridiculous and I'd feel so self conscious wearing them, flapping around above my ankles.


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KurtWilde · 18/01/2022 11:59


People above are correct. 'Skinny' styles e.g. skinny jeans, leggings are trousers are OUT.

Crop flare/long wide-leg, cigarette styles are IN

Then I'd rather be OUT than IN as I can't stand the wide leg/flared/boyfriend/mum jean type thing. It does nothing for my shape. You need to be quite tall and very slim to pull off anything that makes you look bigger than you are imo. I'll stick to skinnies.

Also I like the leather look leggings OP, especially with a longish chunky jumper.
JaneJeffer · 18/01/2022 12:04

Tell it like it is Drama Grin

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