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Bra round a scar

2 replies

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 27/12/2019 13:54

I have a large scar under my armpit . Just under where my bra sits but it still aggrevates .

I don't mind the scar , it saved me life . It will eventually reduce .

But I need a bra that will miss it completely .
Anything I look at online is mastectomy scars (this isn't)

I cannot pull over my head so sports bras aren't really an option .
Needs to be skin tone / beige . Good upholstery .

Where can I go for advice and fitting.
I;m able to get to London.

Any suggestions?

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florriepeck · 27/12/2019 14:09

I like my Royce Maisie bras for comfort after surgery: mine was breast surgery, but the edges of the bra are very soft, so might be okay for you.
Got mine from Bravissimo.
Might help you to tuck something under the edge of your bras, to prevent rubbing, eg gauze swab, breast pad, or a non-adherent dressing pad.

70isaLimitNotaTarget · 27/12/2019 17:22

Thank You - there's a couple of Bravissimo shops in London , I can go up after the New Year .

I've tried a cotton pad but it's either very 'in the way' or I'm worried it'll come loose (not a good look Grin )

I'd rather have something that misses my scar completely so I'll need to go up there and have a look.

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