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Most boring S&B thread ever - best hangers...

30 replies

kjhkj · 04/10/2019 13:04

Debating whether to stick this in housekeeping or S&B but I think those on this board probably know clothes best.

So next week my full on Carrie Bradshaw walk in wardrobe is being created. Lots of white, mirrors, glass and sparkly lights.

DM is treating me to "posh hangers" which I have to choose. DSis has said that velvet hangers are best for clothes and says wooden hangers are too slippery. DH thinks wooden ones. Any views?

Told you it was boring...

OP posts:
mumderland · 04/10/2019 13:04

Velvet grip the clothes better

canyon2000 · 04/10/2019 13:09

The very thin velvet hangers are great. I get mine from Amazon but have seen them in TK Maxx too.

ILikeyourHairyHands · 04/10/2019 13:11

Another vote for velvet, I charity-shopped all my wooden ones.

kjhkj · 04/10/2019 13:15

Ooo thanks everyone. Right velvet seems to be the clear winner. I guess DH can always have the random wooden ones on his side as long as he keeps the doors shut!

OP posts:
AliceLittle · 04/10/2019 13:18

The wooden ones look prettier but the velvet ones are better to use.

LuxuryWoman2018 · 04/10/2019 13:24

Definitely velvet but wood for heavier items like coats and jackets

Chocolateteabag · 04/10/2019 13:28

You need velvet for most things - thicker shaped ones for jackets to keep the shoulder shape - these tend to be wooden but you can get "velvet" flick coated ones too (if you want a uniform look

Chocolateteabag · 04/10/2019 13:29

Flick? Flock!

And this isn't boring but I am v envious!!

botemp · 04/10/2019 13:31

Personally I prefer wooden with a non slip gripper attached (you can buy them separately they just stick on). My fear with the slimline velvet ones is that you're stuffing more into your closet than the rail can handle and stop you having a good overview of what is actually in your closet.

Most boring S&B thread ever - best hangers...
kjhkj · 04/10/2019 13:52

And this isn't boring but I am v envious!!

I'm very excited about it. I had the "nursery" off the bedroom earmarked for a walk in wardrobe when we bought the house ten years ago and its just been a junk room until now...

OP posts:
Ironfloor269 · 04/10/2019 13:54

Another vote for velvet hangers. I don't have them but I hear they create loads of space and hold clothes better than wooden hangers.

ILikeyourHairyHands · 04/10/2019 14:35

I agree about the narrow velet ones allowing too much 'crammage' and not so good for heavier iterms. I have a mixture or narrow, wide, and ones with clips for skirts.

Have fun organising your new wardrobe op, I love a well-arranged rail!

Deathraystare · 04/10/2019 14:40

Yes I got my Aunt some velvet grip trouser hangers that she seems pleased with (hard to tell, she is of of those people that hates to show appreciation).

banivani · 04/10/2019 14:54

If I had space it would be wooden all the way! Bonus - you could buy really expensive cedar ones for woolen items.

The slip issue is easily sorted with a rubber band looped around it or those sticker things upthread.

I have the velvet ones but they deform the shoulders very easily. I have to have them though because my wardrobe is ... not Carrie Bradshaw.

kjhkj · 04/10/2019 15:26

Too much crammage shouldn't be an issue since I have no clothes at the moment! New wardrobe creation has resulted in a massive clear out and I'm being ruthless. Plus I'm going from my current two double wardrobes to the equivalent of five double wardrobes on my side of the dressing room.

I wonder whether I should actually get a mixture then with wider hangers for jackets. I've just been looking at the velvet ones in the hanger store (with extra clips for skirts) but they are very narrow.

OP posts:
ILikeyourHairyHands · 04/10/2019 16:02

I use these wide velevet ones.

I like hanger conformity!

Sooverthemill · 04/10/2019 16:06

@ILikeyourhairyhands I've just bought those recently and can agree they are good for jackets and coats. I have the narrow velvet ones for all other clothes plus these hangers for trousers and skirts that can be folded

thenightsky · 04/10/2019 16:10

I have wooden for coats and jackets as they keep the shoulders more in shape.

Lightweight tops and dresses go on thin velvet ones. I've found Wilko are the best as they are nice and wide so shoulders don't droop off the ends.

XingMing · 04/10/2019 16:11

Wooden ones, preferably shaped for heavier coats and jackets to protect the shoulders. The flocked ones for lighter stuff.

ILikeyourHairyHands · 04/10/2019 16:13

Do you have drawers as well? I always fold knitwear, I find it can get mis-shapen or snagged on hangers.

kjhkj · 04/10/2019 18:20

I still haven't quite finalised the design since I'm waiting to see exactly how much space I have once the wall is knocked out but yes there will be drawers and some shelving as well as hanging space.

I like the grey velvet ones but I can't find any of the wider style in grey at the moment. Might crack open the wine in a minute and get googling.

OP posts:
kjhkj · 04/10/2019 18:23

It should hopefully ultimately look a bit like this (although less shoe space and more clothes space)

Most boring S&B thread ever - best hangers...
OP posts:
ILikeyourHairyHands · 04/10/2019 18:23

Perfect evening, wine and wardrobe planning.

Surely you need to start populating that wardrobe too KJ? No point having all that space and nothing to put in it...


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kjhkj · 04/10/2019 18:28

That's phase 2! Grin

OP posts:
GVmama · 04/10/2019 18:53

Looks amazing, I’m very jealous! I have the velvet ones, bought from TK Maxx but they’re so wide they stretch a lot of my woollens out of shape, rendering them unwearable. I would get a mixture, or get children’s velvet ones and adult ones for heavier items. My daughter has velvet in her bedroom so they do exist! Can’t remember where I bought them from though, possibly Primark.

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