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Can anyone recommend a jumper defluffer please?

16 replies

Nospringflower · 31/01/2015 07:49

I have a few jumpers with bobbles and just noticed a wool skirt too. Have wanted one for years but never known what to get! Bought one from white company like a credit card with a razor blade on the end but didn't think it was very good! Please help! Thanks.

OP posts:
BelindaAllWorkedOut · 31/01/2015 07:53

I use a Korbond cashmere comb thingy - it's lasted longer than my White Co defuzzer thing.

TendonQueen · 31/01/2015 07:57

Would like a recommendation for one we these myself!

Greengardenpixie · 31/01/2015 07:57

I bought one from amazon and despite good reviews after using it I noticed small holes Angry It was the comb type so just beware.

Nospringflower · 31/01/2015 08:02

I remember years ago people having ones with a wee collector chamber underneath that gathered all the fluff but never knew if they were any good. Have had far too long wanting one!!

OP posts:
Onlyconnect · 31/01/2015 08:06

AN old fashioned hair roller does a reasonable job if you stretch the fabric and roll it over. Not a roller with hard sticking out plastic bits.

KnitterInTheNW · 31/01/2015 08:14

I love my JML bobble off, it always does a brilliant job and has never made any holes or anything. It's very satisfying!

MaryMarigold · 31/01/2015 08:15

Yes I have the electric one with the chamber underneath. It's by JML and I got it in Robert Dyas. I use it on all my jumpers every couple of months and I wouldn't be without it!

Nospringflower · 31/01/2015 08:16
OP posts:
MaryMarigold · 31/01/2015 08:18
stripytees · 31/01/2015 08:27

I use the comb type from Pure Collection and it works well for me. Had a battery operated one before and that made a huge hole!

Picastyle · 31/01/2015 09:53

Lakeland do a wool comb which is a plastic thing with a rough edge and they also do something called a Bobble Buster which is a battery operated shaver thing. Both work well for me. John Lewis also do a wool comb in their haberdashery dept.

Waxlyrically · 31/01/2015 10:09

I have a Lakeland bobble buster. It's ok but takes a long time to do. No holes though.

Follyfoot · 31/01/2015 10:16

I've got this one and its been great so far.

DidoTheDodo · 31/01/2015 16:37

Another lakeland bobble buster user here. It's deeply satisfying.

CointreauVersial · 31/01/2015 20:17

I have one of those battery operated defuzzers which shave your jumpers and collect the bobbles - I reckon I have had it for about 25 years and it is still going strong.

I think it came from the Innovations catalogue (remember that? Grin ).

So I can't offer a specific purchase recommendation, just a big thumbs up for that type of defuzzer.

Nospringflower · 03/02/2015 22:03

Thanks everyone for all your help. Have ordered a Lakeland one but thinking I might also get one of the scrapers too. Here's to me having nice smooth jumpers again!

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