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3 and half month baby routine

2 replies

Crumbs9 · 13/02/2022 21:56

Hi everyone, I’m working really hard on trying to find the right routine for me and my baby. I don’t want anything to rigid as I have different things on different days but try to keep a flexible routine thing going. E.g. wake roughly at the same time, up, dressed, feed play etc.. and then again at bedtime, (sometimes bath), story, feed and sleep. At the moment my baby is waking in the night about every 3.5 hours. He is breastfed if this makes a difference to the waking at all. I find the nights okay but I am worrying about his sleeping in the day. I feel he needs to sleep more. So if we’re up a 8 he tends to then nap between 9.30/10.30 but it’s something I have to really work with him for. Then again he’ll be up for a couple of hours and I’ll try and then get him to sleep. Today he slept for a total of 2.5 hours between 8.30am and 7pm. I don’t know how this has happened as I have been really aware of his awake times. I did try and put him down in his Moses twice today so he slept for 50 mins in the morning and 30 mins in it in the afternoon. I guess if I had him in my arms he would sleep longer but I’m trying to mix his naps between my arms for one and basket for another so he gets used to it. I guess I’m just worried that he’s not getting the sleep he needs in the day. I’m playing with him and taking him to baby groups so he is getting stimulated but when I talk to my friends it seems they have it down a lot more and then I end up questioning myself. So what I’m really asking is how did you manage sleep and routines at this age as I like the pattern I have but it’s not quite right for us yet!! I just want to make sure he’s getting the best he can from the day. Thank you x

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PurBal · 13/02/2022 22:10

I remember looking at the sleep schedules when DS was a bit younger (he’s only 7mo so I’m far from knowledgeable) and it said something like between x and y hours in a 24 hour period. DS was hardly ever making it to the target but he was happy enough and I was similarly happy with his nighttime sleep. Obviously he is older now, but some days (like today today) he can have 2 naps totalling 2 hours and be fine and other days have 4 naps of 45 minutes each and be a grump. Some days he will be more tired, or be going through a developmental leap or growth spurt, sometimes he’ll have slept well and other times wake up on the wrong side of bed. The difference is that he can’t tell us. I shifted my focus to wake windows and watch for my sons sleepy cues. He’s never been one for long naps, I figure that’s just who he is. Friends babies seem to regularly nap for 90-120 minutes and I’m thinking “what is this witchcraft?!” also got into the habit of using the word “rhythm” rather than routine because babies can’t tell the time and I found it really helpful. Most importantly trust your instincts, it sounds like you have you son sussed!

Crumbs9 · 14/02/2022 12:16

Thank you for the reassurance. I think rhythm does sound more like it than routine.

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