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White noise that doesn’t stop randomly?!

23 replies

KO2018 · 04/08/2021 16:21

Anyone got a way to play white noise all night that doesn’t have random stops, or fade out and in??
The one on our Alexa does that all the time.

There’s a version you can pay for but I refuse to pay for something to go SSSSS without a guarantee it will be actually continual!

Thanks :)

OP posts:
BlueSurfer · 04/08/2021 16:23

There is a free app called SleepySounds and you can put it on indefinitely.

NuffSaidSam · 04/08/2021 16:23

Try YouTube.

RamblesShambles · 04/08/2021 16:24

I've got a machine off amazon that I brought when DS was new born. 2 years in we still use it. Doesn't cut off and it has lots of different noises to choose from.

lemonyfox · 04/08/2021 16:30

We use one of these

Dreamegg White Noise Machine, D11 Portable Sound Machine with Night Light for Baby Kids Adults, 11 Soothing Sounds Therapy for Sleeping Nursery Travel, USB Rechargeable Continuous or Timer Child Lock

Lamby1234 · 04/08/2021 16:36

Only way that consistently worked was a white noise machine. Wish we'd bought one sooner.

tribpot · 04/08/2021 16:42

I use the TMSoft app on my phone, bluetoothed or casting to speakers. The noise seems to loop pretty seamlessly, especially on the noise options i.e. green noise, pink noise etc.

AllTheCakes · 04/08/2021 16:44

White noise machine from amazon. Worth every penny.

Pinkywoo · 04/08/2021 18:14

We use YouTube on an old phone, the one DS prefers is 10 hours long.

Piccalily19 · 04/08/2021 18:57

If you have Spotify then 90 minute womb sounds by sleep-o-phant is great, just put the song on repeat.

Findahouse21 · 04/08/2021 18:58

Alexa, open sleep sounds and play white noise on loop

Has to be on loop

JuneJuly · 04/08/2021 19:16

In the hot, humid weather I had my fan going all night in the bedroom. That hums away & doesn't stop unless I stop it.

Vicky1989x · 04/08/2021 20:33

Another vote for a white machine off Amazon. My 15 month old uses it for naps and all night - well worth the money IMO!

DoYouLikeOwls · 04/08/2021 20:35


In the hot, humid weather I had my fan going all night in the bedroom. That hums away & doesn't stop unless I stop it.

I love having the fan on and it sends me to sleep.
FATEdestiny · 04/08/2021 20:49

We have a desk fan on all night. I've had it going next yo my bed for about 20y now - so all of my children got used to the fam white noise from newborn and now all 4 have their own fan next to their bed all year round.

The air movement (even when not pointing at the bed) is relaxing as well as the sound.

Splendo · 04/08/2021 20:52

We use alexa, ask her for 'car on the move by white noise sleep sounds' then put loop mode on. Plays all night, no gaps.

MsFrog · 05/08/2021 08:24

Or a white noise machine, definitely worth it
Mummyof2augustboys · 05/08/2021 14:41

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Bobbiblue · 10/08/2021 09:48

Vote for ALEXA play pink noise - ALEXA loop on. During day I have a version from amazon little white circle thing - attached to buggy and works great as rechargeable

OaxacaChihuahua · 10/08/2021 11:59

We have this:

Dreamegg White Noise Machine, D11 Portable Sound Machine with Night Light for Baby Kids Adults, 11 Soothing Sounds Therapy for Sleeping Nursery Travel, USB Rechargeable Continuous or Timer Child Lock

It plays without stopping until you switch it off. It is battery operated but you can keep it plugged in all the time so it doesn’t run out of charge. Worth every penny of £30 because we don’t need to leave our phones in the room, it’s very portable, and it works perfectly.

KO2018 · 22/08/2021 15:36

Thanks everyone I sucked it up and bought a portable one !

OP posts:
micacarata · 24/01/2022 16:32

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tvcc · 24/01/2022 16:35

We use Soundsleeper on an old iPad

Timeturnerplease · 26/01/2022 14:31

Good job on buying one - it’s our essential baby item. We got the Dreamegg too, and love that it runs off mains overnight but can be unplugged and used for buggy naps in the day. I’d cry if we lost it.


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