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Undeletion request

6 replies

Garlickest · 09/07/2024 04:41

I wouldn't normally do this, but I've had quite a few replies deleted lately for (assumed) reasons that I think unfair. This one: contained the words "Fuck off, you raging loon". They are not kind words, but weren't aimed at any particular poster. It was the final sentence of my repudiation of some common arguments on the topic.

It wasn't a personal attack or hate speech, and I'd like my post reinstated please.

I understand the MN team seems to be getting a constant stream of deletion requests these days; it's probably hard to evaluate each one with care and attention. That's why I don't usually complain! Is there some way you can make it easier to assess them?

OP posts:
BeckyAMumsnet · 09/07/2024 11:31

Hello, @Garlickest we're generally happy to discuss deletions, etc, though you may prefer to do this via email rather than on the boards.

Your post was hidden by our filters - we've reviewed it and feel it should remain deleted. We appreciate you weren't directing it to any one poster in particular, but many on the thread would interpret it otherwise and we aim for a civil discussion open to those with opposing views.

Garlickest · 09/07/2024 12:16

Thank you for taking the trouble to reply, @BeckyAMumsnet 👋

OP posts:
Roseyjane · 09/07/2024 12:18

Who were you aiming, “fuck off you raging loon” at then,?

Garlickest · 09/07/2024 12:36

It was the final sentence of my repudiation of some common arguments on the topic, @Roseyjane. The "you" was rhetorical - an imaginary person making the opposite arguments to mine.

I hadn't quoted or tagged anyone, just made half a dozen statements.

OP posts:
protectoroftherealm · 09/07/2024 20:20

Well, my last post which didn't contain anything remotely offensive was deleted by Mumsnet. So, I'm assuming they've joined the ranks of shutting women up! Well done!

Chewyspree · 09/07/2024 20:22

I wrote about my experience of being verbally abused and it was deleted - as the whole thread was deleted.

I guess our experiences are too much for some.

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