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Virus pop ups

7 replies

sleepylittlebunnies · 06/07/2024 21:47

Hi Mumsnet, I’ve been getting pop ups alerting about viruses tonight on my iPhone 8. I have never had a pop up appear before and it is only happening when I am on Mumsnet, been on AIBU. I’ve added a screenshot of the latest one.

Virus pop ups
OP posts:
Limedaiquirialwayslime · 06/07/2024 22:32

Same here. Also on an iPhone. Just searched to see if anyone else had the same issue.

Itsabeautifuldaytosavelives · 06/07/2024 22:42

And here. Also iPhone, on a couple of different threads.

nannynick · 06/07/2024 22:58

It says Android, then the popup says Apple iPhone. So definitely a scam. iPhone does not run Android.

Likely being caused by a rouge advert. Very hard to track down that as would need to know what ad was displayed immediately before that popup.
Ads are served based on your browsing history, so some people will see it and some won't, depending on what the advertiser has used as their keywords.

If on Apple iPhone, Mumsnet has an iOS app, so try using that.

WingsofRain · 07/07/2024 00:00

I’m getting the same, repeatedly. I’m also on an iPhone. It’s been happening all day.

Alicewinn · 07/07/2024 00:11

Yes me too on iPhone

Mojodojocasahous · 07/07/2024 00:54

Me too it’s soooooo annoying

HebeMumsnet · 08/07/2024 12:47

Morning, everyone. Thanks for letting us know about this. Can we check if anyone is still seeing this pop up this morning?

If so, if you're able to click on it in incognito mode and send us the url for it, that will help us track it down more quickly. Otherwise, a url to the thread you saw it on, would also be helpful. And if you're seeing this are you in the UK or another location?

Many thanks. Flowers

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