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Old MN layout clone please...

5 replies

daringbee · 06/07/2024 01:22

Can we pleeeeaaaasssseee have a clone of MN circa 2016 ?

I'd gladly pay extra monthly for it...

This new MN look just burns my eyes and formats horridly - most of my friends think so too.

And by old mn I mean this sort of thing....

Old MN layout clone please...
Old MN layout clone please...
OP posts:

Would you want it?

24 votes. Final results.

I wouldn't pay more for it
I'd gladly pay more for it
I use mobile/the app
No thanks, I like new MN
I couldn't care any less.
u8899 · 06/07/2024 01:40

I'd gladly pay more for it too!

BeckyAMumsnet · 06/07/2024 16:02

Hello @daringbee thanks for posting. We think the 2016 Mumsnet is locked in a vault along with our HiddleSwift t-shirt, Ed Balls Strictly posters and the Mumsnet bat...

We re-platformed the site in 2022 to move onto a new code base to make the site faster and easier to improve and add new features but we do understand that many MNers retain a fondness for Old Talk. We're not sure how feasible a clone is on the new platform but if you could give us specifics about what bugs you about the site now we'd be happy to take a look.

nothingbutaheartache · 06/07/2024 23:37

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nothingbutaheartache · 06/07/2024 23:46

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disturbedfnafnamechange · 08/07/2024 17:46

I'd love to lose the big borders around every post and reply, the rest I don't care, I like this look though:

Much better then what is now and still nice looking Grin

Old MN layout clone please...
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