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Thread zapped as not in the spirit no idea why.

4 replies

GenderBlender · 05/07/2024 19:30

I started a thread in feminism about the implosion of WPATH that was zapped as 'not in the spirit'. The thread was totally factual, with no opinion or editorialising. Can you explain the deletion please. I am scratching my head if it was something I wrote or something subsequent I didn't see. It was only up for an hour.

OP posts:
LilyMumsnet · 05/07/2024 19:39


We included a link to our moderation guidelines in the deletion message - here's the relevant section:

'That said, it’s clear that most trans people find the use of pronouns or names that they or others have consciously rejected, to be hurtful and would therefore struggle to engage in a discussion with those who insist on using them. The same is true of the expression ‘Trans-Identified Male’ or ‘TIM’. Likewise, many feminists are affronted by the term ‘cis’ and ‘terf’, so using these terms will make civil debate less likely. As we’ve said, context is everything – but our moderation team will most likely delete these expressions if we feel they're being used in a deliberately inflammatory way.'

GenderBlender · 05/07/2024 20:12

Thanks for that. OI thought the trans identified male issue had gone by the wayside as I have seen it used many times with no issue. I will repost using man who identifies as a woman.

OP posts:
MulberryRaspberry · 05/07/2024 20:14

This reply has been deleted

Message deleted by MNHQ. Here's a link to our Talk Guidelines.

NitroNine · 05/07/2024 21:13

There are posters who cis all over the place on FWR even after being asked repeatedly to please not do so: to clarify, if it’s not someone who doesn’t know better & not a quotation, will MN delete it if it’s reported?

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