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@ not working properly

15 replies

ScottBakula · 03/07/2024 10:30

Is anyone else have problems with the @ not working the way it should .
If I type @ then the first few letters of who I want to tag their name doesn't come up. The whole list does so I have to scroll through it.
Also the list of names isn't alphabetical, we'll it is sort of but in two or three separate sections .
I make sure there are no spaces

OP posts:
ScottBakula · 03/07/2024 10:31

Oh I am on Samsung, chrome

OP posts:
LilyMumsnet · 03/07/2024 17:06


Could you email a screen recording to so we can take a look at this?

ScottBakula · 03/07/2024 20:24

Hi @LilyMumsnet , yes of course give me a few minutes .

OP posts:
ScottBakula · 03/07/2024 20:47

Email sent 🙂

OP posts:
DawnMumsnet · 05/07/2024 12:35

Thanks very much @ScottBakula - we've received all of your emails and we're looking into this issue. Will be be back with an update as soon as we can.

VenusStarr · 05/07/2024 12:39

I've noticed this too. I'm on Samsung Internet.

TooBigForMyBoots · 05/07/2024 12:41

Me too.

ScottBakula · 05/07/2024 16:47

Thanks @DawnMumsnet ,
@TooBigForMyBoots & @VenusStarr it's frustrating isn't it .

OP posts:
TooBigForMyBoots · 05/07/2024 17:08

Yeah. Is it just a Samgsung problem?

ScottBakula · 05/07/2024 17:23

Not sure but it does seem like a odd coincidence.
Mine is a galaxy A12 ( so a oldish phone ) how about yours ?

OP posts:
ScottBakula · 09/07/2024 19:04

@DawnMumsnet @LilyMumsnet
Do you have a update on this yet ?

OP posts:
imnottoofussed · 09/07/2024 19:13

Seems to be working fine on Apple if that helps to narrow down the problem.

@ not working properly
ScottBakula · 09/07/2024 19:39

Thanks @imnottoofussed , Do you use the app ?

OP posts:
imnottoofussed · 09/07/2024 21:27

Ah yes I'm using the app but just tried on safari and it seems ok but is searching for the letters within the username if that makes sense rather than the start of the username.

Example a thread I'm on I type @ps and the results came up as someone with a username with ps within it rather than beginning with ps

So results could be were chips and pseudonyms when I'd usually expect it to only bring up those with names beginning with ps

Maybe it's always been like this 🤷‍♀️

HebeMumsnet · 10/07/2024 09:57

Morning, everyone. Thanks for all the additional info on this. We're still working on fixing this at the moment but will be back when there's any more news. Thanks for your patience.

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