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Bookmarks Not Working

8 replies

Fraaahnces · 02/07/2024 10:56

Probably not just me, but my bookmarks haven’t been working at all for weeks now. It’s kind of driving me bonkers when I save things on long threads to be sent back to mid May. Is it just me?

OP posts:
Bluebellsinthewind · 02/07/2024 11:18

They aren't working for me either.

Also, is this normal or does it happen to everybody. When I go into a topic and then into a post. Once I've read the post and hit the back button it takes me to the top of the topic again. Surely it should just take me out to where I was on the topic.

For example. Go into TV scroll halfway down page, go into a post recommending programme's. Read the post come out and I am way at the start of TV section again. It's really frustrating/annoying.

LilyMumsnet · 02/07/2024 16:15

Hi both

We haven't managed to replicate this - if possible, please can you send us a screen recording of the issue so we can see it in action?

Please send it to and also include your device and browser.

Bluebellsinthewind · 06/07/2024 16:36

My bookmarks are working today. Must be gremlins in the system at Mumsnet this week Grin

NoWordForFluffy · 06/07/2024 16:40

Mine weren't working...until I started to screen record! 🙄🤣

BIWI · 06/07/2024 16:56

How do you do a screen record? I've asked this before but haven't had an answer! Is it different from a screen grab?

NoWordForFluffy · 06/07/2024 16:58

Are you on an iPhone? I had to Google it!

Bookmarks Not Working
BIWI · 06/07/2024 17:38

I mainly use MN on my laptop - haven't checked to see if bookmarks work on the phone! But if they don't, thank you I'll have a go at that.

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