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Advert smack bang in the middle of the page?

11 replies

HauntedPollingBooth · 01/07/2024 18:30

Anyone else having this one? Ad for P&O appearing in the middle of my screen, at the bottom. There's an X to get rid, but it's intensely irritating.

OP posts:
LilyMumsnet · 01/07/2024 18:37


Can you let us know what device and browser you're using, and attach a screenshot of the advert? We can take a look to see if it's appearing as it should, or if somethings not quite right.

HauntedPollingBooth · 01/07/2024 19:22

LilyMumsnet · 01/07/2024 18:37


Can you let us know what device and browser you're using, and attach a screenshot of the advert? We can take a look to see if it's appearing as it should, or if somethings not quite right.

Will do when it pops up again!

OP posts:
SpongeBoobBigPants · 02/07/2024 15:48

Yes I’ve had it since last night too, here is a screenshot. Safari/ ipad.

Advert smack bang in the middle of the page?
SpongeBoobBigPants · 02/07/2024 15:51

It does go when the “x” is pressed, but returns on the same page as soon as I scroll down.

LilyMumsnet · 02/07/2024 16:05

SpongeBoobBigPants · 02/07/2024 15:48

Yes I’ve had it since last night too, here is a screenshot. Safari/ ipad.

Thanks so much for this! Are you in desktop view?

HauntedPollingBooth · 02/07/2024 16:37

Weirdly I haven't had it since I reported it. (Chrome,laptop,Windows 11)

OP posts:
SpongeBoobBigPants · 02/07/2024 20:55

Yes, in desktop view.

ElBandito · 04/07/2024 07:35

I had this ad this morning. Clicked the cross to close it but it just keeps popping up again on the same page as I scroll. Safari, iPad.

Advert smack bang in the middle of the page?
LilyMumsnet · 04/07/2024 14:16

Thanks all. We've had a look and it appears the ad is misbehaving because it's not built for mobile site in desktop mode. If you change your browser settings and view the mobile site, this should sort it for you.

ElBandito · 05/07/2024 09:22

I have no idea what setting you are talking about.

DawnMumsnet · 05/07/2024 12:12

@ElBandito at the foot of your screen there should be a bar that says, which has two different size capital As to the left. If you tap on the AAs you'll hopefully get a pop-up menu that includes the option 'Request Mobile Website' - tap on that and you'll switch over to the mobile version.

Hope that makes sense but let us know if not.

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