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Relationship Board

1 reply

Nanny0gg · 30/06/2024 14:54

I'm reading on a PC

The Board is just showing the OP not the latest posts in the list (iyswim)

Is it me? Looks all wrong

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 01/07/2024 09:23

Hi there @Nanny0gg,

It looks ok to us. The Relationships board has just been switched over to the new 'OP view' like some of the other boards, though. Could it be that? If so, you can easily switch back to the old 'compact view' by clicking on the two black rectangles stacked on top of each other at the top right of the list of threads. It's just under the 'follow topic' button. You can toggle between the two views there.

If it's not that, could you send us a screenshot of what you're seeing and we'll see if we can work out what's going on there.

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