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Will we get a web chat with Keir Starmer?

6 replies

RobinStrike · 27/06/2024 22:21

@MNHQ Just that, really. It's getting very close to polling and no sign that there will be a webchat. I'm interested to see Rishi Sunak's replies but would really want to see some from Keir Starmer. Thanks.

OP posts:
Morwenscapacioussleeves · 27/06/2024 22:26


SlothOnARope · 27/06/2024 22:34

Neither of them care.

What would you want them to say?

Chickenuggetsticks · 27/06/2024 22:35

Ooooh soooo many questions. Would be great if we could do that.

BoobyDazzler · 27/06/2024 22:35

He won’t wont come on here..too many difficult questions!

DawnMumsnet · 28/06/2024 12:41

Hi @RobinStrike - thanks for raising this. We've already invited him and we'll keep you updated.

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