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Just Curious - Is this new?

6 replies

YesIReallyDoLikeRootBeer · 26/06/2024 22:52

In the past I will be reading a thread and when I go to change to the next page (I'm on a computer, not the app) I will get the message explaining the thread was deleted. No issues with that. But so far twice today, in the middle of reading a thread I get a pop up that says "Ooops we've lost this page" I've never had that before. Considering what the two threads were discussing I'm assuming this is the new way to let you know its been deleted. I'm just curious if that is what the message is, or maybe I'm just having trouble with my laptop and the site.

OP posts:
TwattyMcFuckFace · 26/06/2024 23:06

I've only ever had the 'oops' message (also mainly use laptop) when MN is glitching out/they have a tech problem.

Having said that, mine is set so threads load as just one page.

This stops the FOMO when the thread gets pulled, as I can still read to the end 😁

YesIReallyDoLikeRootBeer · 26/06/2024 23:27

TwattyMcFuckFace · 26/06/2024 23:06

I've only ever had the 'oops' message (also mainly use laptop) when MN is glitching out/they have a tech problem.

Having said that, mine is set so threads load as just one page.

This stops the FOMO when the thread gets pulled, as I can still read to the end 😁


At first I wondered if it was a glitch, but both threads this happened on today were ones that it would not surprise me if they got deleted. And I no longer see them anywhere else.
How do I set it so it all loads on one page? 😁

OP posts:
TwattyMcFuckFace · 26/06/2024 23:34

Ahh I see, no clue then Blush

To set it so threads are all one page...

Settings (top righthand corner of screen)

Select 'Talk settings'

'Thread posts'

'Messages per page' (select 'all')

DawnMumsnet · 28/06/2024 11:10

Hi @YesIReallyDoLikeRootBeer sorry for the delayed response.

If you can remember anything about those two deleted threads, can you please drop us a line at [email protected] (or hit the report button on this thread) so we can take a closer look?

There should always be a proper deletion message when we take a thread down, but if the thread was started by a dodgy spammer or if the OP's username was particularly offensive, for example, we may hit the mass delete button to remove things more quickly. In cases like the 'Oops' page will show until we get a chance to edit the deletion message.

Hope that explains things but we'll happily check out the specific threads you were looking at.

YesIReallyDoLikeRootBeer · 28/06/2024 22:40

DawnMumsnet · 28/06/2024 11:10

Hi @YesIReallyDoLikeRootBeer sorry for the delayed response.

If you can remember anything about those two deleted threads, can you please drop us a line at [email protected] (or hit the report button on this thread) so we can take a closer look?

There should always be a proper deletion message when we take a thread down, but if the thread was started by a dodgy spammer or if the OP's username was particularly offensive, for example, we may hit the mass delete button to remove things more quickly. In cases like the 'Oops' page will show until we get a chance to edit the deletion message.

Hope that explains things but we'll happily check out the specific threads you were looking at.

I wish I could remember but I cant. When it happened with the first one I thought maybe it was a glitch of some kind. Later when the second one happened it occurred to me that both times I was reading a thread that would not shock me to get the "deleted notice" about LOL. I just thought maybe it was a new feature. It has not happened again so not really sure.

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 01/07/2024 09:28

No worries @YesIReallyDoLikeRootBeer . If you spot it again, just pop a url here for us and we'll take a look.

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