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Deleting threads

16 replies

Viscoelasticity · 25/06/2024 21:57

I am really tired of putting thought into replies on threads and returning later to find they have been deleted.

Likewise, sometimes a PP gives a really helpful or inspiring reply and I want to return to re-read it, only to find the thread deleted.

When threads have been found to be started by trolls or PBPs, can’t the thread just be locked? Unless leaving the thread up could cause harm (which I understand can be the case in some situations) I don’t see why whole threads should be deleted when the advice or options may be helpful or thought provoking for others, even if the OP’s motivation was questionable.

OP posts:
Yerroblemom1923 · 25/06/2024 22:00

It really is so annoying. It's usually the more interesting threads too! And all this "looking behind the scenes" malarkey.... they never put a thread back up they just delete. It's just lazy.

HebeMumsnet · 26/06/2024 09:15

Hi there @Viscoelasticity. Thanks for getting in touch.

In general, we do try to leave threads up where it's clear there's a useful discussion going on, despite the OP being a troll, but we will have a think about whether we can do that more frequently.

We see your point about it being a shame for other posters on the thread. Usually, when we've taken a troll thread down it's because it's clear the troll is getting their jollies from seeing their work up there in black and white and we prefer to starve that of oxygen and not encourage it. With individual posts we can just remove them, but obviously when it's the OP, the rest of the thread wouldn't make much sense without it.

We also find that often when someone is outed as a troll, people who have responded feel 'duped' somehow, even though there was no way of them knowing, and want their posts removed, so it feels better all round to just get rid of the entire thread.

But it's a good point and we will have a think about how we can leave threads intact more often.

CelesteCunningham · 26/06/2024 10:54

This morning it seems someone didn't like getting called out on their quare ableist bullshit (I think that's the technical term) and so the thread is gone. That's always frustrating, when it disappears just because the OP doesn't like the responses they get.

AGodawfulsmallaffair · 26/06/2024 10:57

CelesteCunningham · 26/06/2024 10:54

This morning it seems someone didn't like getting called out on their quare ableist bullshit (I think that's the technical term) and so the thread is gone. That's always frustrating, when it disappears just because the OP doesn't like the responses they get.

Which thread was that?

Disturbia81 · 26/06/2024 10:58

It happens so much, it's very frustrating to keep clicking on threads I'm on and they're gone.
Who cares if they're fake, they have tons of good advice on.

CelesteCunningham · 26/06/2024 11:02

AGodawfulsmallaffair · 26/06/2024 10:57

Which thread was that?

The maternity pay one. Instead of asking for advice about why this month's pay was less than she expected (which I've seen people get really helpful advice about on here many times over the years), the OP chose to slag off those on sick leave and then flounced when her arse was handed to her.

AGodawfulsmallaffair · 26/06/2024 11:04

CelesteCunningham · 26/06/2024 11:02

The maternity pay one. Instead of asking for advice about why this month's pay was less than she expected (which I've seen people get really helpful advice about on here many times over the years), the OP chose to slag off those on sick leave and then flounced when her arse was handed to her.

Thank you, I thought so. It really didn’t go her entitled way 😆

ilovesooty · 26/06/2024 11:12

AGodawfulsmallaffair · 26/06/2024 10:57

Which thread was that?

Probably the one about maternity pay where the OP was claiming that sick people weren't really sick and were less deserving of money than people on maternity leave.

ilovesooty · 26/06/2024 11:12

Sorry cross post there.

AGodawfulsmallaffair · 26/06/2024 11:14

ilovesooty · 26/06/2024 11:12

Probably the one about maternity pay where the OP was claiming that sick people weren't really sick and were less deserving of money than people on maternity leave.

She got more cross with every post 😆

ilovesooty · 26/06/2024 11:20

AGodawfulsmallaffair · 26/06/2024 11:14

She got more cross with every post 😆

I missed the last 134 posts. I see she "requested deletion".

BarcardiWithGadaffia · 26/06/2024 11:58

ilovesooty · 26/06/2024 11:20

I missed the last 134 posts. I see she "requested deletion".

It seems to have become OK now for threads to deleted at the OPs request, I've seen it a few times recently.

I was hoping to find out if the posters whod been let down with the Taylor Swift tickets had managed to get some, nothing contentious that I saw and the message said she'd asked for deletion

Maybe I've missed a change in the rules

Heucherarowan · 26/06/2024 12:03

CelesteCunningham · 26/06/2024 11:02

The maternity pay one. Instead of asking for advice about why this month's pay was less than she expected (which I've seen people get really helpful advice about on here many times over the years), the OP chose to slag off those on sick leave and then flounced when her arse was handed to her.

So annoying. People were genuine and trying to help and it was turned into something by the OP who clearly couldn't handle having certain unpleasantries about her comments pointed out.

In reality, most people aren't shocked at their first pay pack on maternity. It is low pay and everyone acknowledged.

If that was left up, it could have informed anyone who hadn't considered the planning needed for maternity if you're reliant on your income.

CelesteCunningham · 26/06/2024 20:08

And now one gone that was completely generic for "privacy reasons" when OP didn't reveal anything personal and an interesting general conversation was taking place.

Can we get some consistency on this MN? Can anyone just request that their thread is taken down now without any particular reason? If it's a policy change then fair enough but it's clear as mud.

BarcardiWithGadaffia · 26/06/2024 20:12

CelesteCunningham · 26/06/2024 20:08

And now one gone that was completely generic for "privacy reasons" when OP didn't reveal anything personal and an interesting general conversation was taking place.

Can we get some consistency on this MN? Can anyone just request that their thread is taken down now without any particular reason? If it's a policy change then fair enough but it's clear as mud.

I was just about to post the exact same thing, how was any of that giving g privacy concerns. The OP even said she'd posted about him previously so obviously not that bothered

Viscoelasticity · 26/06/2024 22:29

HebeMumsnet · 26/06/2024 09:15

Hi there @Viscoelasticity. Thanks for getting in touch.

In general, we do try to leave threads up where it's clear there's a useful discussion going on, despite the OP being a troll, but we will have a think about whether we can do that more frequently.

We see your point about it being a shame for other posters on the thread. Usually, when we've taken a troll thread down it's because it's clear the troll is getting their jollies from seeing their work up there in black and white and we prefer to starve that of oxygen and not encourage it. With individual posts we can just remove them, but obviously when it's the OP, the rest of the thread wouldn't make much sense without it.

We also find that often when someone is outed as a troll, people who have responded feel 'duped' somehow, even though there was no way of them knowing, and want their posts removed, so it feels better all round to just get rid of the entire thread.

But it's a good point and we will have a think about how we can leave threads intact more often.

Thank you for reading and replying.

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