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You don't have to quote the whole original post.

85 replies

BirthdayRainbow · 24/06/2024 19:04

I have just opened a thread where the first reply quotes the whole of the lengthy OP. I can understand if you think you have to quote it to refer back to but come on, not when you're the first reply and really not ever, it is literally there at the top of each page. What is even more ridiculous is when it is quoted and the reply is one word or one sentence.

OP posts:
TimoteiChaletpants · 24/06/2024 19:07

For the love of god and Margaret will posters quit with quoting the whole post in the first reply. It’s idiocy

someone was on here just the other day asking Mumsnet to make it impossible.

TheShellBeach · 24/06/2024 19:08

When this happens, I always ask the quoter why they quoted the whole OP.

I invariably get told off by the quoter and usually by someone else too.

I do agree with you, though. It's infuriating and pointless.

InWithPeaceOutWithStress · 24/06/2024 19:08

I agree. It is one of the most irritating things on this site, especially when reading on your phone and you have to scroll past a repeat of the huge OP. Completely unnecessary to quote the OP.

TheShellBeach · 24/06/2024 19:10

It's particularly maddening when the OP is one of those tomes which go on forever.

TikiTikiBoo · 24/06/2024 19:10

They need to make the quote editable so people can delete the bits they aren't replying to.

Every other site lets you do that.

TooLateForRoses · 24/06/2024 19:11

BirthdayRainbow · 24/06/2024 19:04

I have just opened a thread where the first reply quotes the whole of the lengthy OP. I can understand if you think you have to quote it to refer back to but come on, not when you're the first reply and really not ever, it is literally there at the top of each page. What is even more ridiculous is when it is quoted and the reply is one word or one sentence.


(Is very annoying)

letsallmeetupinthehyear2000 · 24/06/2024 19:11

Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things 🙄

SevernWonders · 24/06/2024 19:12

TooLateForRoses · 24/06/2024 19:11


(Is very annoying)

BirthdayRainbow · 24/06/2024 19:13

letsallmeetupinthehyear2000 · 24/06/2024 19:11

Does it really matter in the grand scheme of things 🙄

I did well to get seven minutes of people agreeing.

Obviously it doesn't matter in the great scheme of things but you could say that about anything and everything. But we all do things and don't so things so they make life better, easier, nicer, etc.

OP posts:
TheShellBeach · 24/06/2024 19:14

BirthdayRainbow · 24/06/2024 19:13

I did well to get seven minutes of people agreeing.

Obviously it doesn't matter in the great scheme of things but you could say that about anything and everything. But we all do things and don't so things so they make life better, easier, nicer, etc.

It does matter!

It's really infuriating.

ElizabethVonArnim · 24/06/2024 19:14

It's the bloody mobile app. No idea why it doesn't let you click into the quote and edit it.

You can, obviously, just copy and paste, but then you don't get the quotation marks. The app shouldn't give you an option that just makes the thread rubbish.

DumbassHamsterSitterPerson · 24/06/2024 19:14

TikiTikiBoo · 24/06/2024 19:10

They need to make the quote editable so people can delete the bits they aren't replying to.

Every other site lets you do that.

Just copy and paste the bit you want. That's what we always did when it was just fields around here.

BirthdayRainbow · 24/06/2024 19:15

Exactly @DumbassHamsterSitterPerson .

OP posts:
EveryOtherNameTaken · 24/06/2024 19:17

It's annoying any time but the first poster is really shit.

Also.people that flit quickly then post a comment way after the OP has posted updates.

Use the 'read all' button on OP's original post if you cba to read responses!!

PangolinPan · 24/06/2024 19:18

I just don't read the thread when it's the first poster, clearly doing it on purpose to irritate!

TikiTikiBoo · 24/06/2024 19:21

DumbassHamsterSitterPerson · 24/06/2024 19:14

Just copy and paste the bit you want. That's what we always did when it was just fields around here.

Doesn't always work in the android app, for some reason, bit like everything else.

letsallmeetupinthehyear2000 · 24/06/2024 19:22

BirthdayRainbow · 24/06/2024 19:13

I did well to get seven minutes of people agreeing.

Obviously it doesn't matter in the great scheme of things but you could say that about anything and everything. But we all do things and don't so things so they make life better, easier, nicer, etc.

See what I did there ?

I can’t understand why it bothers anyone so much🤦‍♀️

DumbassHamsterSitterPerson · 24/06/2024 19:23

TikiTikiBoo · 24/06/2024 19:21

Doesn't always work in the android app, for some reason, bit like everything else.

Tbh I don't know why anyone bothers with the app. All I ever hear is how xyz doesn't work on the app. Seems like a waste of time.

BirthdayRainbow · 24/06/2024 19:32

You don't need to understand @letsallmeetupinthehyear2000

OP posts:
TimoteiChaletpants · 24/06/2024 19:43

like any communication it flows better and quicker without needless repetition

letsallmeetupinthehyear2000 · 24/06/2024 19:51

BirthdayRainbow · 24/06/2024 19:32

You don't need to understand @letsallmeetupinthehyear2000

I’d rather you have quoted my whole post tbh Birthday rainbow 😀

BirthdayRainbow · 24/06/2024 19:56

Whatever has happened to make you like this@letsallmeetupinthehyear2000 I hope you get over it.

OP posts:

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TheCultureHusks · 24/06/2024 19:59

I find it quite handy, I scroll past those replies as assume basic stupidity

Nonewclothes2024 · 24/06/2024 19:59

@DumbassHamsterSitterPerson copy and paste doesn't work on the app.
It just looks the same as the answer.
You can put quote marks but it doesn't stand out.

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