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Like a twat.....

52 replies

Ihavenoclu Ā· 23/06/2024 21:36

Really? Like a twat you have choosen style over substance again?!!! Just awful. Surely it breaks 'talking guidelines' no?

Like a twat.....
OP posts:
WormBum Ā· 23/06/2024 21:37

Swearing is allowed here.
Personal attacks arenā€™t, but this doesnā€™t look like one.

IncompleteSenten Ā· 23/06/2024 21:37

How does it break talk guidelines?

MissingKitty Ā· 23/06/2024 21:37

Can we not say swears now?

TheShellBeach Ā· 23/06/2024 21:42

"Twat" is mild really.

You can swear on here. You can even say "cunt" if you feel like it.

Have you only just joined MN @Ihavenoclu?

TheShellBeach Ā· 23/06/2024 21:43

MissingKitty Ā· 23/06/2024 21:37

Can we not say swears now?

Of course we can. No personal attacks but general swearing is acceptable.

sprigatito Ā· 23/06/2024 21:44

Eh? We're adults.

BIWI Ā· 23/06/2024 21:53

I don't think you understand a) Mumsnet and/or b) Talk Guidelines @Ihavenoclu

weathervane1 Ā· 23/06/2024 21:57

In the East Midlands where I come from, Twat is no stronger than idiot or fool or berk. In the North West where I now live, it's up there with cunt. It's caused me issues on more than one occasion when I've basically sworn at someone without intending to.

Justrolledmyeyesoutloud Ā· 23/06/2024 22:15

weathervane1 Ā· 23/06/2024 21:57

In the East Midlands where I come from, Twat is no stronger than idiot or fool or berk. In the North West where I now live, it's up there with cunt. It's caused me issues on more than one occasion when I've basically sworn at someone without intending to.

Samw here - south east - twat really isn't offensive

FromBackHome Ā· 23/06/2024 22:17

How do you think that breaks talk guidelines?

Did you choose rubbish oven gloves and are now taking this personally? šŸ˜…

Chimchar Ā· 23/06/2024 22:19

I've never related more to a review in my life!

PossumintheHouse Ā· 23/06/2024 22:20

Totes. Some really cunty oven gloves right there.

GennyLec Ā· 23/06/2024 22:23

Like a twat really made me laugh.

Locally it is interchangeable with twit, fool, berk, donut. In polite company/at work, I would hesitate with the twatting but in casual convo, in online chit-chat, bring on the twat. IYSWIM.

Ihavenoclu Ā· 24/06/2024 08:25

morning all, easy on the pile on šŸ˜…. I stand down. English is my second language and I was told twat means cunt so I reacted.

Enlightening to see the responses tbh. Thanks for clearing it up for a 'forrener'

OP posts:
IncompleteSenten Ā· 24/06/2024 08:30

Even if it did mean cunt it's still not breaking talk guidelines because simply using profanity is not against talk guidelines.

Shit bugger bollocks piss fart twat fuck cunt


Now, if someone was to reply to my post and say IncompleteSentenc you are a pious prick-faced tit-toothed, fart-arsed wanker... That would be against talk guidelines.

I think people who voted for ukip are fucking twats - not against talk guidelines
You voted for ukip? You fucking twat - against talk guidelines

Chellybelle Ā· 24/06/2024 08:34

It does mean cunt where I'm from ( North West). I still don't find it offensive really, but a bit strange they would use it in an advertisement.

GrannyAchingsShepherdsHut Ā· 24/06/2024 08:38

Twat is synonymous with wally where I'm from. In the same way as berk (which also means cunt).

longdistanceclaraclara Ā· 24/06/2024 09:40

It's an insult here, up with cunt. Berk is a shortening of cockney slang for cunt - Berkshire hunt.

MermaidEyes Ā· 24/06/2024 09:41

weathervane1 Ā· 23/06/2024 21:57

In the East Midlands where I come from, Twat is no stronger than idiot or fool or berk. In the North West where I now live, it's up there with cunt. It's caused me issues on more than one occasion when I've basically sworn at someone without intending to.

East Midlands here, I use twat on a daily basis. Covers everything!

Durdledore Ā· 24/06/2024 09:44

I agree. ā€˜I felt a right twatā€™ would mean ā€˜I felt silly/foolishā€™ whereas ā€˜I felt a right cuntā€™ (which I donā€™t hear people say) would mean ā€˜Iā€™d been incredibly mean to someoneā€™.

FromBackHome Ā· 24/06/2024 09:48

Ihavenoclu Ā· 24/06/2024 08:25

morning all, easy on the pile on šŸ˜…. I stand down. English is my second language and I was told twat means cunt so I reacted.

Enlightening to see the responses tbh. Thanks for clearing it up for a 'forrener'

Twat does mean cunt where I live in the UK. Both can be either very, very offensive or used as a term of endearment. šŸ˜‚

Where Iā€™m originally from, both twat and cunt would always be extremely offensive.

CelesteCunningham Ā· 24/06/2024 09:54

Crap and shit both mean poo, but crap is a milder swear.

It's the same with twat and cunt IME - they refer to the same part of the anatomy, but twat is milder.

Regardless, any and all swearing is allowed on here, so even if the post said cunt it would be allowed to stand.

AllTipAndNoIceberg Ā· 24/06/2024 10:02

For me, twat is also a term that evokes ye olde MN. It used to be widely used back when the whole site was smaller and more like a recognisable group of posters with a shared vernacular ā€” Iā€™m thinking like 17-odd years ago. Maybe that copy was written from that headspace šŸ˜

I still remember a thread titled ā€˜I am a twat, I am a twatā€™ (but canā€™t remember what it was about). Might be in Classics


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Lndnmummy Ā· 24/06/2024 12:45

Another non brit here. Interesting. I have had many posts deleted for referring generally to 'Karens' which is a misogynist term and highly offensive, according to talking guidelines. But twat and cunt is ok? In advertising copy?šŸ¤”


Ihavenoclu Ā· 24/06/2024 12:46

FromBackHome Ā· 24/06/2024 09:48

Twat does mean cunt where I live in the UK. Both can be either very, very offensive or used as a term of endearment. šŸ˜‚

Where Iā€™m originally from, both twat and cunt would always be extremely offensive.

Thank you šŸ˜…!

Clear as mud šŸ«”

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