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Mumsnet web chat rules question

2 replies

Againname · 21/06/2024 22:47

I asked a question on the Rishi Sunak webchat. The rules say one question per poster, plus one follow up. Can I check, does the follow up mean a second question? Or does it mean, we're allowed one second question after he replies to our first (if he picks our question to reply to)?

I want to ask a second question but don't want to break the rules.

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LilyMumsnet · 24/06/2024 15:12


Really sorry that we get back to you sooner - this slipped the net. We can confirm that it was one post per user only.

Againname · 24/06/2024 15:51

No problem @LilyMumsnet

I posted on a Friday evening so it probably wasn't the best time to ask you a question.

Thanks so much for clarifying.

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