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‘Mumsnet Partners’

4 replies

Sandwichgen · 17/06/2024 22:07

I do not want to be spammed with this advertising in
my private e-Mail inbox (especially as I have shelled out for Premium).

… but apparently I cannot unsubscribe from this upselling vehicle without losing the weekly roundup too - it is all or nothing as far as I can tell This strikes me as unfair.

If I have to lose the weekly roundup I’ll be cancelling Premium, for sure

OP posts:
Sandwichgen · 17/06/2024 22:10

Is there a way?

OP posts:
Sandwichgen · 08/07/2024 21:19


OP posts:
BeckyAMumsnet · 09/07/2024 12:25

Hello @Sandwichgen so sorry we missed your post. That should be done for you now and you're still subscribed to the roundup. Thank you.

Sandwichgen · 09/07/2024 12:31

Thank you too

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