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'Thanks' notifications not working properly

19 replies

BIWI · 17/06/2024 08:19

A bit like the current/ongoing issue with bookmarks - I click on the notification that I've had thanks, it takes me to the thread, but not to the actual post that has been thanked.

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 17/06/2024 09:04

Thanks for letting us know @BIWI . We'll take a look. Can you tell us whether you're on the app or the main site and what sort of device and browser (if relevant) you're using? Thanks!

BIWI · 17/06/2024 09:12

Thanks @HebeMumsnet

I'm using the desktop site, on a MacBook and Safari.

OP posts:
behindthemall · 17/06/2024 09:14

Ooh I’ve had this issue with my iPhone and safari too.

HebeMumsnet · 17/06/2024 12:11

Thanks @BIWI. Just checking - are you clicking on the notification on the site or on the email notification?

Also, if you're able to get a screen recording of what's happening here and email it to us that would be really useful.

Thank you! Flowers

BIWI · 17/06/2024 14:12

I'm clicking on the notification on the site.

OP posts:
BIWI · 17/06/2024 14:13

... and of course, the very next time I received 'thanks', the notification took me straight there!

If it happens again @HebeMumsnet I'll take a screen grab

OP posts:
LilyMumsnet · 17/06/2024 19:34

BIWI · 17/06/2024 14:13

... and of course, the very next time I received 'thanks', the notification took me straight there!

If it happens again @HebeMumsnet I'll take a screen grab

Thanks BIWI! Flowers

BIWI · 18/06/2024 09:36

It's happened again this morning, on the Corpus 2 thread - which seems to have issues with bookmarking as well.

'Thanks' notifications not working properly
'Thanks' notifications not working properly
OP posts:
BIWI · 18/06/2024 09:38

The link took me to a post 18 posts ahead of the one I had made/that was thanked.

OP posts:
DawnMumsnet · 18/06/2024 11:53

Thanks for letting us know, @BIWI - we're still looking into this issue and will be back with an update as soon as we can.

BIWI · 09/07/2024 12:10

Is anyone else having this issue?

I'm finding that Chrome is definitely better than Safari, but wondering why this has suddenly started happening. i.e. is it me/my laptop, or a MN issue?

OP posts:
yellowbubble · 09/07/2024 12:21

BIWI · 18/06/2024 09:38

The link took me to a post 18 posts ahead of the one I had made/that was thanked.

I don’t know about thanks, but I’ve just come to site stuff to see if there’s a thread on bookmarks as weeks later I’m still being taken many posts ahead of the post that I’ve bookmarked on lots of threads, and it’s very frustrating. I’m using the website on safari on iPad, latest version.

BIWI · 09/07/2024 13:03

I'm also finding that threads aren't loading on Safari, whereas they are on Chrome.

I use Safari as my main browser, for many other sites, and it's only on MN that this is happening.

OP posts:
LilyMumsnet · 09/07/2024 18:47


Would you be able to send over the screen recording of the bookmark issue?

BIWI · 09/07/2024 19:33

Can you explain what you mean by a screen recording @LilyMumsnet? And how I do one?! (I'm using a laptop, not my phone, if that makes any difference)

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 10/07/2024 10:28

Hi @BIWI . There are a few free apps you can download to do this. If you have the snippping tool, which takes screngrabs, you can use that for recordings, as described here: Hope that helps.

BIWI · 17/07/2024 10:47

@HebeMumsnet I finally got round to trying to do a screen record - but all the notifications of thanks I've clicked on are working! So hopefully it's fixed now. Thank you!

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 17/07/2024 11:01

Oh! Typical! Clearly doing the screen recording is what fixed it! Thanks for doing it anyway and hang onto it just in case, but hopefully whatever the issue was has gone away. Thanks @BIWI

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