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site been buggy on mobile (Apple) for a few days

10 replies

HoneyButterPopcorn · 15/06/2024 09:00

Not sure if it’s my phone but I have opened the site and the bottom navigation bar is missing.

It pops up eventually then isn’t working. Then after a while the site works until I leave it then come back and it’s the same - won’t load, no navigation, slow navigation, then works.

I can ‘back button’ to see past posts etc and can post on there.

OP posts:
Lonelycrab · 15/06/2024 09:37

It’s been fine for me, using website with safari, don’t use the app.

HoneyButterPopcorn · 15/06/2024 10:14

I don’t use the app - I thought it was my phone but other sites are ok. Thought I’d been out on the naughty step again!

OP posts:
eurochick · 15/06/2024 10:15

The app on Apple has been fine for me.

HoneyButterPopcorn · 15/06/2024 10:29

Now on the App. Seems fine now! Must be my ancient phone playing silly buggers!

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 17/06/2024 11:16

Hi there @HoneyButterPopcorn . Sounds like you're sorted for now. If it happens again it might be worth making sure you're using the most recent version of the app. If you're still experiencing problems, just drop us another line.

HoneyButterPopcorn · 18/06/2024 07:25

The desktop version (well phone version) still doesn't want to open properly. Probably my phone.

OP posts:
Rummikub · 07/07/2024 00:11

The app keeps doing funny things on my iPhone. Saying thread not found.

I prefer the website but can't use it as I can't post. I can read though. Then switch to app to post.
Tech are looking into the website posting issue.

App was working ok but now messing about and freezing my screen.

HoneyButterPopcorn · 07/07/2024 09:26

Yes the main site on my phone is buggy and the app doesn't seem to have all the functions. Weird.

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 08/07/2024 12:50

Thanks for getting in touch again. For anyone still having issues here, could you make sure you have the most recently updated version of our app installed? And also that you are running the most recent version of iOS?

If you've done both of those things and are still having the same issue though, please do drop us another line and we'll have another look.

Thank you Flowers

HoneyButterPopcorn · 08/07/2024 15:58

The app doesn’t seem to have the same functionality as the desktop does it? I can’t ‘clap’ a post.

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