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Mobile site extremely slow

32 replies

JaneJeffer · 10/06/2024 23:03

It takes ages to load

OP posts:
JaneJeffer · 11/06/2024 11:36

Any idea what is causing this?

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LilyMumsnet · 11/06/2024 15:28

Hi @JaneJeffer

Can we check what device and mobile browser you're using? Can you also let us know how many posts you're viewing per page, and if this is on all threads or just certain ones?

JaneJeffer · 11/06/2024 15:36

Safari on iPhone. I have no idea about pages I thought that only applied to desktop 🤷🏻‍♀️

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JaneJeffer · 11/06/2024 15:37

On all threads. They stop loading and sometimes restart other times it boots me out.

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LilyMumsnet · 11/06/2024 16:39

Can you possibly send a screen recording of navigating the site so we can see what's happening and where it goes wrong? If you could send it over to [email protected], it would be really helpful.

JaneJeffer · 11/06/2024 16:59

I can't remember how to do it. Why do I always have to do it? 😭

OP posts:
LilyMumsnet · 11/06/2024 17:08

If you have another device, you can use it to film your other screen. Or there are free apps that can record your screen!

FlyingFlamingo · 11/06/2024 17:11

I’m having issues with Safari as well - active and I’m on aren’t loading at all. It’s fine on Chrome.

JaneJeffer · 11/06/2024 17:19

Oh for God's sake. I've done it now. Will send on. It took 2 minutes 21 seconds to load a thread before it allowed me to post on it. Ridiculous. As is all this screen recording faff.

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JaneJeffer · 11/06/2024 17:31

The screenshot won't send because it's too long FML

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JaneJeffer · 11/06/2024 17:36

I surrender

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BlossomToLeaves · 11/06/2024 22:53

I'm finding the desktop site the same today (Mac, Firefox). threads taking ages to load or to allow me to click on any buttons or to post. I just gave up earlier and thought it would be fixed later, but it's not. It doesn't even show a spinning cursor or a loading bar or anything, just looks like nothing has happened, until some time later, the page loads.

Or even things like threads you've clicked on turning purple - happens long afer you've finished that thread.

it is not every single time. But often.

And it is only MN that does it, none of the other sites. I have done all the cookie clearing etc.

JaneJeffer · 11/06/2024 22:58

It has got all these gaps where threads should be too

Mobile site extremely slow
OP posts:
KellyMumsnet · 12/06/2024 09:45

Hi again @JaneJeffer . Don't worry - we know the screen recording can be tricky. If anyone else is able to capture this and email it in, that would be brilliant and might help us see where the problem is occurring. Thank you. Flowers

JaneJeffer · 12/06/2024 11:32

If we could post video clips on here it would make it easier

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Kingoftheroad · 17/06/2024 15:50

Its terrible. No matter which device I use. It’s slow, refreshes randomly, sticks etc absolutely hopeless. Mumsnet, come on, you know it’s the site, poor show blaming our devices. Been like this since the new site was launched

DistinguishedSocialCommentator · 17/06/2024 17:34

Kingoftheroad · 17/06/2024 15:50

Its terrible. No matter which device I use. It’s slow, refreshes randomly, sticks etc absolutely hopeless. Mumsnet, come on, you know it’s the site, poor show blaming our devices. Been like this since the new site was launched

Have you tried clearing your cookies/hitory as that speeds up things a tad and then do it again

To be fair, its not JS MN site as other sites like the Daily Mail, Experess, The Sun that have loads of ads are as slow at times

I'm getting this at times but ok once on to MN

You will not that the BBC is fast as is The Gudardian site as less ads - bBC has ads for itself or lots of stuff on it

Sites like Ebay and Amazon are quick as they pay masses for bandwidth in order not to lose customers

The bottom line, its money. MN has to generate money to keep it going!!

So, try the clearing of history etc and you may note a different!!

JaneJeffer · 17/06/2024 18:13

Who is running MN these days?

OP posts:
LilyMumsnet · 17/06/2024 19:19

We emailed back - there wasn't anything attached to the email so we weren't able to see the recording. We'd very much like to get this resolved for you, so if you can resend it we'll take a look.

JaneJeffer · 17/06/2024 19:25

Oh thanks @LilyMumsnet I wasn't referring to you Grin I can't send the recording because it's too big and I tried to cut it in half but it still wouldn't send so I gave up!

It just seems some people on here seem to think they have the answer to everything. Not mentioning any names that would get the thread deleted. Ahem.

I saw someone else yesterday telling a poster to PM them and they would solve their problem and getting annoyed when they weren't taken up on their offer.

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JaneJeffer · 18/06/2024 11:54

I've emailed you @LilyMumsnet. The site is working better today but still pausing briefly while threads are loading.

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JaneJeffer · 18/06/2024 23:21

How do I clear cache and cookies? Haven't got a clue!

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KellyMumsnet · 19/06/2024 09:25

Hi again @JaneJeffer . The step by step on this site is quite good and clear. We'd try following that to clear cache and cookies. Drop us another line here if you're still having trouble though.


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JaneJeffer · 19/06/2024 14:46

Thanks, I'll have a look

OP posts:
Kingoftheroad · 19/06/2024 18:08

DistinguishedSocialCommentator · 17/06/2024 17:34

Have you tried clearing your cookies/hitory as that speeds up things a tad and then do it again

To be fair, its not JS MN site as other sites like the Daily Mail, Experess, The Sun that have loads of ads are as slow at times

I'm getting this at times but ok once on to MN

You will not that the BBC is fast as is The Gudardian site as less ads - bBC has ads for itself or lots of stuff on it

Sites like Ebay and Amazon are quick as they pay masses for bandwidth in order not to lose customers

The bottom line, its money. MN has to generate money to keep it going!!

So, try the clearing of history etc and you may note a different!!

Done all of this : the site is poor money needs to be spent upgrading Mumsnet know this

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