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Reply box not always clearing

12 replies

Pixiedust1234 · 31/05/2024 20:53

Apologies if someone else has reported this. I've noticed this bug for about a week now so am assuming some tweaks were made behind the scenes at that time.

On some sections when I make a post the "post" remains in the reply box. If I want to make a second post in that thread I have to delete all the text in the reply box first. Other sections are behaving as before, I press post and the post appears in the thread and the reply box clears. Any idea why? Thanks!

Samsung tablet, opera.

Reply box not always clearing
OP posts:
Pixiedust1234 · 31/05/2024 22:13

Got another one. As you can see from the final image that the reply box does sometimes clear after posting.

Reply box not always clearing
Reply box not always clearing
OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 03/06/2024 11:47

Hi there @Pixiedust1234 . Thanks for flagging this. It sounds like the same issue users have been having here.

We're still gathering information and trying to replicate the problem at the moment, so thank you for your details on device and browser.

If it's not too much trouble and you're able to get a screen recording of what happens when you type a reply and then try to delete it that would also be really helpful.

Thanks! Flowers

Pixiedust1234 · 03/06/2024 12:42

Hi, I've tried to do screen recordings before and (as someone who can't do tech) they don't end well 😂 I've just found another one with a full reply box after posting so I tested deleting on that.

I can delete by backspacing. I can delete one sentence out of a paragraph by copy/paste. I can use select all for the entire box. So deleting it isn't a problem it's just annoying that it sometimes doesn't clear after posting.

I read that thread earlier. I use different emojis a lot, and I tag other users, but I can still delete, so it seems different?

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 05/06/2024 11:36

Oh, that does sound slightly different @Pixiedust1234 . We'll pass that info on and see if we can work our what's happeninng here.

AndNobbyDancing · 06/06/2024 21:41

I am having the same issue

Although like the change to the username box. I've just changed on one thread and the saved username box has changed to the last used name change. Like it

AndNobbyDancing · 02/07/2024 16:37

I am having the same issue

Although like the change to the username box. I've just changed on one thread and the saved username box has changed to the last used name change. Like it

AndNobbyDancing · 02/07/2024 16:38

Posting exactly the same as above because it is doing it again

My last message stays in the reply box

Pixiedust1234 · 02/07/2024 21:05

Yes, it seems to be getting worse. Any updates MNHQ?

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 03/07/2024 09:17

Hi @Pixiedust1234! We have been looking into this and we think the wider issue, which seems to be affecting a few Mumsnetters, is to do with the text editor we use. That means that it's not something we have control over unfortunately, but the good news is, they are releasing an update soon which should right the issue.

The bad news for you is that it sounds like your issue is slightly different to that, but we'd like to have a closer look at it. Can you tell us exactly what Samsung device you're using and what version of Opera you're on? We'll try and replicate it if we can.

Also, if you have a moment, it would be worth giving it a go in a different browser just to see if we can narrow down the problem at all. It may be that it works ok in Safari or Chrome, for example.

Thanks! Flowers

AndNobbyDancing · 03/07/2024 13:10

I am using chrome on pixel 8

It doesn't happen all the time, maybe every third thread.

Also when clicking to the next page it now takes me to the bottom of the page , so the last post and not the top.

Pixiedust1234 · 07/07/2024 16:31

I have been using Chrome since your post and I haven't managed to duplicate the problem so far. I had cleared cache a few times on Opera before I started the thread so didn't think it was a corrupted cookie.

Opera version 83.2.4388.80550
Android version 10
Galaxy Tab A, 2018

Thank you!

OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 08/07/2024 10:10

Thanks for the further updates, everyone. We'll look at all this and will let you know when there is any more news.

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