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Clicking links doesn't work.

10 replies

DancesWithDucks · 27/04/2024 11:26

Hi Mumsnet

For a long time now I've been doing a Ukraine info roundup.

When I post a link, it appears like this:

⚡️Russian attacks against 4 Ukrainian regions kill 1, injure 14. (

But when you click on it, it says Page Not Found.

In order to make it work, I have to remove the brackets every single time. Those brackets are not there on the original link on Telegram; not for any of the telegram sites I use.

However, they do turn up if I post the same link into a Word document.

If it's possible technically, could you look at fixing it so that these brackets do not turn up and mess up the link? it would really help.


OP posts:
BeckyAMumsnet · 27/04/2024 16:50

Hello @DancesWithDucks can we check if you're posting from the app, mobile or desktop?

DancesWithDucks · 27/04/2024 17:33


OP posts:
BeckyAMumsnet · 27/04/2024 17:42

Thank you - and are you clicking the link icon to add it?

If so, can you please screenshot what you're adding in?

DancesWithDucks · 27/04/2024 19:23

screenshot 1 - highlight section incl link
screenshot 2 - Copy
screenshot 3 - Paste

This is how it looks after pasting:
⚡️Russian attacks against 4 Ukrainian regions kill 1, injure 14. (

Screenshot 4 - going back and copying link separately

Screenshot 5 - I then highlight the bracketed link that's in the post on the mumsnet post

(cont'd next post)

Clicking links doesn't work.
Clicking links doesn't work.
Clicking links doesn't work.
Clicking links doesn't work.
Clicking links doesn't work.
OP posts:
DancesWithDucks · 27/04/2024 19:26

... And then paste the new link in. That means there's no brackets and the link actually works when posted.

If you manually remove the brackets on the unadjusted post, the link still takes you to "page not found". You have to copy the actual link on Telegram and then paste it over or instead.

Clicking links doesn't work.
OP posts:
DancesWithDucks · 28/04/2024 10:20

Another way of doing it is to simply paste the working, individually copied link into the post and then removed the unworking, bracketted one

Clicking links doesn't work.
OP posts:
HebeMumsnet · 29/04/2024 11:04

Hi there @DancesWithDucks . Apologies if we're misunderstanding here but we think you're maybe not using the link button?

So if you copy the url you want to link to, then write your message, for example "Russian Authorities detain 12th suspect". Then highlight the words you want the link to work through, maybe "detain 12th suspect" and then click on the link button below the message box. It's the 'chain' symbol on the right of the bold, underline, strikethrough and italics buttons. Then you can paste the url in the box provided, hit save, and you should have a working link.

Let us know if that works for you.

DancesWithDucks · 29/04/2024 15:01

Ill try it out shortly - thanks

OP posts:
DancesWithDucks · 29/04/2024 15:14

Okay, I see what you mean but it doesn't actually help much as I copy and paste the whole paragraph from Telegram. That automatically copies the link that is in the Telegram post but then puts the brackets around the link, which stops it working. I don't type the sentences by hand, it's all copy + paste.

So I can do it by highlighting text and then using the link button but it still means having to remove the link that's been automatically pasted in which all takes extra time. I'd hoped for a solution that meant the brackets would be removed automatically and the link work straight off, without extra work.

Ill carry on as I was! :) Thanks for taking a look.

OP posts:
DancesWithDucks · 26/06/2024 12:21

Whatever changes you've made recently make my work a lot easier. Thanks!

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