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Truncating long OPs

13 replies

Brefugee · 22/03/2024 08:59

would it be possible to have long long long OPs truncated for the subsequent pages (or just always?)

For eg there is one that reproduces a very long text in the OP, and then every time you get to a new page, you have to scroll past it all again.

Is there any possiblity of having a cut-off of say 15 lines and then a "see more" button? When i use the website on my phone it does this, but not when using a laptop.

OP posts:
LilyMumsnet · 22/03/2024 21:24

Hi OP,

Thanks so much for the suggestion - we really appreciate feedback and will have a chat about this in the office.

tribpot · 22/03/2024 21:27

This is a great idea - I'm sure it's been commented on before when posters quote the opening post. When that post is enormous, the quote facility is very irritating.

HurricanesHardlyHeverHappen · 22/03/2024 21:28

It drives me batty when people repost the original post.

TinselSniffer · 22/03/2024 21:35

@Brefugee that's a really good idea!

ASighMadeOfStone · 22/03/2024 21:48

I only use MN on my phone and from the second page onwards, you don't see the OP at all. Only the thread title. Thought it was standard!

DrSpartacular · 22/03/2024 21:51

On the mobile site the OP isn't visible on subsequent pages, you have to tap to expand it if you want to re-read it.

shoppingshamed · 22/03/2024 21:51

Don't have pages, problem solved 😁

whatsappdoc · 22/03/2024 22:09

I thought you meant quoting the op but as said, this doesn't happen on the app.
Ad for quoting the op, this needs banning! No way does anyone need to quote the op!

Brefugee · 23/03/2024 08:50

tribpot · 22/03/2024 21:27

This is a great idea - I'm sure it's been commented on before when posters quote the opening post. When that post is enormous, the quote facility is very irritating.

I was specifically talking about the repeat of the OP at the start of each new page, but it would be great also if the quote facility shortened them too - as they do when you reply to a quote - you only see the first two lines when you write your message.

OP posts:
Brefugee · 23/03/2024 08:51

shoppingshamed · 22/03/2024 21:51

Don't have pages, problem solved 😁

i did try not having pages, but urgh. I don't like that at all for some reason.

OP posts:
LilyMumsnet · 04/07/2024 12:18

Hi all

We've released a new feature. The opening post is now collapsed after the first page, so that it takes up less space on the thread. You can click 'see more' and 'see less' on pages of the thread after page one - this should make reading pages a lot easier.

Brefugee · 04/07/2024 17:39

Brilliant! thank you

OP posts:
leeverarch · 04/07/2024 17:45

Awesome. Thank you @LilyMumsnet and the tech types.

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