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Asterisks changing to bullet points

13 replies

Hazelnuttella · 12/05/2023 09:53

My Asterisks keep changing to bullet points when I post.

E.g. if I make a typo and then post again starting with an asterisk to correct myself. It looks fine as I’m typing it, but then when it’s posted it’s turned into a bullet point!

OP posts:
JoMumsnet · 12/05/2023 11:02

Hi @Hazelnuttella can you please let us know which device you're using and also which version of the site (desktop, mobile or app - and if app, iOS or android)? We'll happily take a look once we know a bit more.

Hazelnuttella · 12/05/2023 12:02

iPhone but just the website on safari, not the app.

OP posts:
KirstenBlest · 12/05/2023 12:05

It's because the asterisk is being interpreted as Markdown.

Allthegoodnamesarechosen · 12/05/2023 12:06

This happens on my IPad too.

ReginaPerrin · 12/05/2023 12:08

Are you putting a space between the asterisk and the word? If so, try without a space.

*like this

Hazelnuttella · 12/05/2023 12:24

*without space

OP posts:
Hazelnuttella · 12/05/2023 12:24

That seems to have worked!

OP posts:
Hazelnuttella · 12/05/2023 12:24
  • with space
OP posts:
ImaniMumsnet · 13/05/2023 11:11

Thanks to everyone that helped! Glad it's sorted @Hazelnuttella

Hierophant11 · 28/06/2024 14:37

Bullet issue not quite sorted. Someone needs to explain how to do asterisk correction note WITH a space; that is the more orthodox and elegant punctuation protocol.

Torturedsoul · 28/06/2024 14:38

If caught quickly, the poster can edit their post to correct.

RantyMcRanterton · 28/06/2024 14:39

It is annoying.

HebeMumsnet · 01/07/2024 10:01

@Hierophant11 . Sorry - we've tried everything we can think of here and can't find a way round this. It looks like asterisks may have to remain cuddled up to the rest of the text in posts. Do let us know if anyone finds a workaround though!

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