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Box Suggestions for our toys

145 replies

Rieslinger · 24/02/2023 11:32

We usually keep our fun things in an out of the way place away from straying eyes and for good reason, however fairly soon we'd like them to be a little more accessible in an attractive locked box as our kids leave home for work and Uni.

The likes of Lovehoney have bags and practical options but we're looking for something that we can keep out (perhaps a similar size to a large jewellery box) and lockable obvs but looks nice.

Thinking wood, painted lacquer, perhaps even oriental, any suggestions?


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OP posts:
Surplus2requirements · 24/02/2023 12:32

I do love a mini treasure chest type wooden box with metal clasps.

Sadly I keep important paperwork in mine 😕

Mermaidparades · 24/02/2023 12:41

Great link skillz as always 🤪

AnneKipankitoo · 24/02/2023 12:47

That looks beautiful.

Oldtadger · 24/02/2023 12:48

Check on Amazon for secure medication box. Not pretty for solid and functional. Maybe more portable than a heavy wooden box?

Rieslinger · 24/02/2023 13:20

Hi @Mermaidparades (still finding it difficult not to use J😝) This looks lovely!!

Reckon I'll need to put another couple of coats of varnish on to help with dust etc will show DW and report back!!

Also if anyone knows of any high gloss oriental type boxes would love to hear as I would love a bit of choice....some good thoughts for future searches thank you!!

OP posts:
Rieslinger · 24/02/2023 13:34

Hmmm just did a brief mental inventory and think we would need multiple boxes....reckon it might need to go to a chest or even a trunk.

OP posts:
B1rd · 26/02/2023 23:00

An A4 metal box from Amazon with lock does the trick. It holds lots of toys and looks like a document box .

Zanatdy · 27/02/2023 06:44

Not that pretty but I have one of those silver cosmetic boxes that has a combination lock. That’s where my vibrators and other sex merc stays!!

Rieslinger · 27/02/2023 10:52

@B1rd @Zanatdy Great suggestions thanks, we really want something that to the casual inspection just looks like a pretty box/chest that isn't clearly storage per se!

As an ex Roadie I did like the idea of a flight case but felt that it is just too functional.

Love the idea of asian lacquer with a lock, or wood or anything unusual and attractive, any other suggestions will be gratefully received and I will update when we finally find one!

OP posts:
PinotPony · 27/02/2023 11:02

Something like this...?

Box Suggestions for our toys
Mermaidparades · 27/02/2023 11:10

Oh @PinotPony , the chest of dreams! It’s even got the anal hook!!

Rieslinger · 27/02/2023 12:01

Oh dear @PinotPony excited and daunted in equal measure!!!

Can I see wooden clothes pegs too? Very sensible, just in case you run out for the washing or you lose the one for your peas in the freezer, loving the practical cross over functionality!!

OP posts:
AnneKipankitoo · 27/02/2023 12:15

Ah, so that is what pegging is. Always wondered . 😂

Surplus2requirements · 27/02/2023 12:18

@AnneKipankitoo I got quite excited hanging my laundry outside yesterday

AnneKipankitoo · 27/02/2023 12:20

You should be like the Royals and have a woman who does , allegedly @Surplus2requirements

Surplus2requirements · 27/02/2023 12:28

I'm not familiar with the Royals @AnneKipankitoo , is it something to do with queening?

AnneKipankitoo · 27/02/2023 12:31

We better not derail this thread. Although I did see a photo on Twitter where the washing on the line spelled out a sweary word . Can’t link it.

Surplus2requirements · 27/02/2023 12:37

@AnneKipankitoo we didn't start it, I blame @Rieslinger 😇

Rieslinger · 27/02/2023 12:51

Hmmm so genuine posters get spammed....I think I've seen that somewhere before...cake anyone?

OP posts:
Mermaidparades · 27/02/2023 12:52

ive brought the 🥂🥂🥂🥂🍾🍾🍾🍾

Mermaidparades · 27/02/2023 12:53

Oh shit, I was supposed to be being serious today!!!!

Aaron95 · 27/02/2023 13:01

We use an old suitcase. It's an old thing that has seen better days and would have gone to the dump otherwise.

It has the added advantage of fitting under the bed out of the way when not in use.


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AnneKipankitoo · 27/02/2023 13:03

I was thinking Pinot must be a domestic goddess with all those lemon juicers and the fried egg ring.Surprisingly , no cake tins .

AnneKipankitoo · 27/02/2023 13:04

I’d love a🥂

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